the client really liked the simplicity of your logo and would like to know if you can create a simple/modern version of the HONEYBEE HIVE photo that I have attached in your same styling?
Also, can we have a few color variations? The CEO's wife loves ROYAL purple and would like to see it in the logo.
Thanks for considering my design. Updated... #109, #110, #111, #112, #113, #114, #115, #116, #117, #118, #119, #120, #121 Please let me know if you have any revision....
Can we add an ENTRANCE to the bee hive? like a black hole. one hole can be 1/2 a full circle from the bottom part and another version could be with a full circle entrance hole.
also, can i have a some versions without the branches and leaves.
the client wants the beehive to represent SOCIAL MEDIA, so lets add some interpretations of bees? maybe one or two going around it, almost like an atom (with the little protons flying around it)
could i see a version of #123-127 with the original font style (scanned in image in contest brief) that has a more OVAL opening vs the round one that is flat/straight on the bottom?
- update font to be the same style as #130 - Move SOLUTIONS under MEDIA - Make it darker grey (still legible) so it stands out more - One variation with capital S - One variation with capital SO