Solutions HarmonyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Solutions Harmony

Solutions Harmony has selected their winning logo design.

For $575 they received 288 designs from 26 different designers from around the world.






















































































































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I like the creativity on #91. Please try to express the concept of solving a problem and being helpful in the logo. The logo #92 I do not like as much because the power plug I think gets off topic. It leads me to believe there we provide energy solutions as a business direction. Our main focus is on technology, such as computer,server, phone setup and repair. Hope that helps. Thanks for your effort. Would love to see more.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi bryanpivik,

Thanks for feedback,I will come whit new idea..

Kind Regards
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Bryan,

I upload the same works #122 whit some modifications in different color and I add tagline,this is soft lively color,if you wont I will try whit little stronger... If you have some idea or suggestion I would love to hear ... thanks !

Kind Regards
11 years ago
Thank you for your efforts. I am very happy with the improvements for sure.

#143 - Is my favorite. Loving the key hole in the "O" you made on the new entry. Perhaps is should be a little bigger key hole so it is more defined. Awesome work ;) I do not like so much the underline of the tagline. Best if we remove that. Also the shadow under the bulb. To be honest even in your final design I maybe removing the "One contact for all business solutions". The only place that will be seen will be on business card and the website. But it is great to have there now. Just keep that in mind so do not draw any attention to that for it is not so important.

I REALLY appreciate the color variations you did. I am still at a loss for the best colors. All I know is that it should feel warm and pop. Given the light bulb concept I would say some shade of yellow is desired. For the other color and to maybe use a gradient, I am not sure. From the colors you selected, I like but not better than the #143 entry. They mostly felt like they are washed out or dull, maybe almost pastel colors. I like the colors, but it does not pop.

I recommend you maybe hold off on the color choices right now unless you are motivated. We can safely say you are in the finalists so there will be plenty of time to tweak the color.
11 years ago
Additional idea could be to include a cloud behind the design. In the industry "Cloud Computing" is very powerful and is a big portion of our implementations. Thus it would be highly welcome from a stand point of the Harmony, where the cloud is peaceful and calm, and also the industry specific cloud computing concept.

Great work
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Bryan,

Thanks for great and precise feedback,helped me a lot....
I'll do the new changes as you told me and I will come whit new idea...
I appreciate your effort...

Kind Regards
11 years ago
Goran, my friend. Thank you. You have inspired me from your awesome designs. I see a vision from your work that I feel is awesome. Please excuse the screen cap I did so that I can express the design changes more efficiently. Please feel free to make any comments you have on your feedback. I want you to have creative freedom. I hope you agree with the direction I was thinking with your design. If you get close to what I am thinking now you have won for sure.

Please look at the drawing file here:

If you need to mail me an attachment that does not work here you can get me at

Thank you Goran. You put a big some on my face with hope of great future :)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Bryan,

Thanks for the nice words,I do something what you told me but I have some suggestion....
Can we work step by step,we can start whit text if you like,what you like,what I need to change?
I think whit this strategy we make logo how you imagined :)
I try to make cloud as you told me but work is to long for great cloud,meybe you give me some link of cloud which you like and I try to do similar...
After we finish text how you like we will step on second things thats the bulp if you agree?
I am here and I wait your suggestion ...

Best Regards friend !
11 years ago
Oh very nice buddy !!

#183 - The cloud is perfect size and shape concept. Bubbly so you see the puffy edges. Most importantly is the SOLUTIONS is resting/sitting on top of the cloud. Bravo ... very nice :)

#182 - This one has the correct directions for the cloud coloring. Maybe some deeper blue high lights in there.

The entry #183 is very close to the concept and you did an amazing job of taking my direction and producing beautiful designs. You also have a great communication skills in English which is impressive. I speak and write only one language, and I do that poorly ;( I am a Computer Engineer and communication has never been my strength. Thank you for everything.

I completely understand on taking 1 step at a time as you suggested. You have nailed it so far on many levels!!! Let's discuss and build on design #183. Let's try 2 things with the text which is to conclude the text.
1) The brain in the "O" looks amazing. You are the man! A tweak, I believe, would look good is to color the inside part of the brain with the same base tone Orange/Yellow tone. I think that will make it pop. I may also be a bad idea to stray from the color used in the SOLUTIONS. What do you thinK?
2) Only other thing to mention about the text is to have 3D depth with shadowing and color gradients to give the feeling the light bulb is on with the light source direction. You can do that later is you like for I know it will be time consuming. I can however say the text is perfect size and placement. Newer absolute
11 years ago
Also to mention on #182 - the light color gradients are perfect as I was thinking. I found this light picture to express the bright aspects that I think may help with the colors.

With the light being on. I would love to see the lighter bright yellow colors on the "HAR..." and the darker colder orange colors on the "...MONY" with a gradient like effect of colors from left to right. With the 3D letters having that shadow, I believe it will look amazing.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Bryan,

Thank you for your compliment,I`ll try to do my best for you my friend :)
My English is not soo good every day trying to learn more and more ...

I make another changes #188 #189 #190,this is a version whit a little bit stronger and a weaker blue whit gradient,I`ll change the HAR-MONY as you requested,in #188 i make stronger shades on bulb.... Please let me know what you think about these changes?
We finish the text 1st and after that we finish a bulb if you agree,now we focus only on text :) we finish all how you imagined...
It's really nice working with you !

Kind Regards
11 years ago
WOW you are very talented person!

I LOVE the direction on #190. There are 2 elements that I believe will make it work. Currently all designs I am sure you can see has issues with seeing the HARMONY words. Here are what I recommend running with #190.

1) The clouds should have the gradient of the blue reversed. So the Outside of the clouds are more white/light blue. Then the inside is more dark. But also the should be puffs of white in the cloud too to make like fluffy clouds like on a warm day.

2) The 3D drop shadow of the HARMONY letters should be black or the dark color used. That will make the shape of the letters stand out in the cloud.

Keep up the amazing work. It just keeps getting better and better :)
11 years ago
I forgot to mention but on #190 you nailed the color gradient I was talking about with the text of HARMONY. As mentioned in my previous message, part 2, is the dark 3D drop shadow of the letters will make the awesome light colors you used pop out ! Awesome. I am very excited with the direction.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Bryan,

Thanks friend,now i go to make new changes as you requested,need a little time....
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Bryan my friend,

Now I make new changes and hope I'm on the right track :)
I mixed stronger and weaker colors whit with a bit of shadow....

works : #202 #204 #204 with a line around the letters and #202 is real effect drop shadow,cloud is changed to whit little stronger color ....

works : #200 #201 I make whit a little softly colors and make a white puffs in some places but discreetly,line around the letters and #201 is real effect drop shadow.....

works: #196 #197 #198 #199 I mixes strong and light blue colors but I add white shadow on the top of cloud to make more realistic,with a line around the letters and #196 #199 is real effect drop shadow....

works : #194 #195 I mixes strong and light blue colors but whit shadow on the top of cloud and I bolded letters to see how they looks,meybe you like that ? :)

Please let me know what you think and I accept any suggestion :)
maybe you can not see so well drop shadow becouse the word "harmony" is a little but if you need to see on a biggest format I'd be glad to send you....
you can ask me for any friendly advice I'm here for you ! :)

Kind Regards
11 years ago
No big secret, but you are the #1 choice. We just have some tweaking to do and you will be the winner for sure.

Thank you for all of the updates. I can see you tried very hard to make my vision come true. I would like to hear your opinion, but I believe that my idea was not good because it makes the word HARMONY to be too busy and confusing to read. Noisy maybe a good description.

Two things that I think can help that look IF you think it is worth trying:

1) The color gradient in the text I think should be starting lighter, almost white, and fade into like the mid tone orange. Not the darker orange current used.

2) I heard 2 people and myself that suggested to make the cloud and the text larger for the HARMONY and be the same size as the SOLUTIONS. Important to still remain to have the SOLUTIONS above the cloud as seen now, like it is resting/sitting on the cloud.

Currently I was thinking we should maybe change the direction entirely of the bottom text for HARMONY. I have seen though the many iterations that I believe my idea is a mistake. It maybe impossible to make the words clear and stand out in the cloud. Sorry for that. In general I do find that clients are like women. Always changing their minds and a pain in the butt. So I think the new direction maybe the best with the cloud.

Let's move from the concept in #184 and make these changes.

1) The cloud edge still remain as a solid line, maybe a soft line like it was drawn with a marker. Little darker blue color also. Center all white/transparent of the cloud.

2) The idea is to make the accent of the cloud edges. I found an example. I was thinking like a cartoon like look.

Very exciting all the examples you created. Thank you so much.

11 years ago
Sorry forgot to mention. Please make the text on #184 more bold. As mentioned like a marker chubby.

Also wanted to mention that I did review ALL of your changes for the shading and cloud color. I all of your great examples lead me to see that I believe the new direction will be best. I do not think we can every make clear enough the HARMONY word with the previous direction. Thank you again for all of your efforts.
11 years ago
I do not want to confuse you. I want to rank the design for #209 at the #1 entry for the entire design progressed well. I love the yellow brain and other work you did on the rest of the logo. I would like the the cloud and HARMONY from #184 with the adjustments mentioned above.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Bryan my friend,

Thank you for everything you ar a good man and great for cooperation.Do not worry I will make any changes as you requested,I am here for you to make the best solution for you.I want you to find a logo for yourself exactly what you imagined soo that is not a problem to ask for any changes,I am here to do... we can change direction whatever you want... :)
I upload new changes,please let me know what do you think?
As for the cloud from images : It is a broad cloud for word " harmony "... I need to make something narrowly for that word becouse it will not look nice,I try and I saw,this is my honest opinion friend....
I wait your feedback what do you think about my changes that we can be able to continue forth :)

Besr Regards
11 years ago
WOW. Thank you for all the great variations. I will try to review for you.

In general I have now decided to go in the direction of just the outline of the cloud. So only updates with the outline is best moving forward.

#223 - I really like the cloud and the negative color HARMONY. It looks nice and soft to the eye. Big problem here is when the logo is used in print the HARMONY will be an issue. Please do not use. Looks great though.

#219 - I love this the design the best at this point. The width of HARMONY is perfect. The spacing between the letters is a little much. The cloud is also I believe better when it is more simple.

#184 - To mention very important is the color of the cloud. The new designs looks great expressing the cloud. I would like to see a more light blue colors used for the cloud. So the cloud looks empty, light, fluffy. The blue that was made darker I noticed and so did 1 other person that the cloud feels full of water and almost angry cloud. He further said the cloud in #184 is a great mood feeling to the design. The cloud should be distinguished with edges, just feel lighter and softer.

#212-215 - show me that my vision can also be too much. I do like how the outside edges of the cloud look with the curves that come in. What I believe the inside curves of the cloud should be removed. 1 person said distracts from the eye when reading. I tend to agree there. You did an amazing job of taking the example that I gave and implementing.

Moving forward I would like to see one solid color HARMONY. I believe you did amazing at taking the shadows and the color gradients as I saw it. That is my fault because that makes it too busy and complicated. I have delayed my response so that I could confer with my friends and such that understand the direction.

I think what is missing to make the cloud and HARMONY is as what follows. The rest of the design I believe is perfect.

1) Make the font size larger for HARMONY. Right now the spacing between the letter is off on the eye. I believe making font bigger will add weight tot he letters and also be easier to read. That should also make the spacing between the letters less.

2) The cloud would need to get bigger from change in #1 change here. Just follow the same concept we have and do not have the curves in the inside of the cloud.

3) Please try to find a font that is less formal with sharp edges. Would like a soft font that has more rounded edges. Not sure exactly best one though. I trust you.

4) Change the cloud color to only be the blue color used in #184.

5) Please try a few different deeper orange colors for the HARMONY. Pulling from the same color pallet you have used in the light bulb

Can't wait to see what you come up with. Very exciting !!!

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Bryan,

I make changes as you requested,do not confuse you how much works I send you,these are different works in different colors (in many small nuances)... Please let me know what do you think?
I'm really trying to do as per your directions, if I make a mistake somewhere I am really sorry,then I translated the word bad or poorly understood .... wait for your feedback,thanks friend :)

Kind Regards
11 years ago
Thank you buddy. No worries. You are doing amazing. Would just like to male a few adjustments. I am also open to your opinion and direction of you want to try.

Thank you again for your efforts and amazing work. Love to see the next work :)
11 years ago
I am so tired at the moment. I will review what you submitted when my eyes work tomorrow. Thank you very much for all your efforts :)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Take you time Bryan we continue when you rest :)))
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Bryan,

is everything okay,did I do as you requested,I'm a little worried? Please let me know friend ? Thanks

Kind Regards
11 years ago
Thank again for all of the great entries! You are doing awesome. If we can get finished the cloud and HARMONY, the logo should be perfect.

I have been talking to friends and such for what is missing. I was not so happy with most of their directions, but there was a few things that I agree with and I believe will help.

1) The cloud must be more puffy. Less tight circles and such. I believe it will be perfect if we cut the number of circles in the cloud in at least 1/2 or 1/3 of current. So, please try to redefine the curved lines in the cloud to be more gradual and rounded. I believe that will help with softening up the area there and have a better feel.

2) The cloud should be taller. I like the size of the cloud in #247 on the height and positioning. Maybe even slightly large cloud if you think it looks ok.

3) The "HARMONY" letters size should be slightly smaller than the SOLUTIONS. I thought it would look better if larger or same size. It is important to be big so that it is clear and readable. So I think just a little smaller with the HARMONY text size will help.

4) I love the COLOR, BOLDNESS, and FONT of "HARMONY" on #239. Please use moving forward.

5) I love the cloud COLOR on #253. Please use moving forward.

My friend, you have really made something beautiful! You should be very proud of your work :) The items we are changing now are just to make it perfect. Thank you again for all of your great efforts and working with me on the level you are.

I am always open to your feedback also if you think something could be better different. This is your baby also ;)
11 years ago
LOL ... funny timing. I did not see your post because I was typing mine :P

You are awesome. No worries my friend.

My slowness in response was a combination of work kicking my butt and also the needed opinions from friends and business associates that I wanted to hear their opinion.

Thank you for everything :)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Bryan,

eheheh u ar the kind :) I have similar experiences at work :P
Ok is not problem , at the time I thought you do not like anything or I just working wrong.....
I make upload new changes whit different form of clouds,please let me know is there some that you like or one that could be upgraded ? I try to make puffy cloud but I have problem,occupies much in height and thats not looks good.... My honest opinion is that text need to be smaller than icon,but this is just my opinion :)
in any case when you choose your favorite I give you one more version whit normal text that you can change it whenever you want... (I always send my work in two examples) ..I just want to mention that you know :)

greeting (pozdrav) from Serbia :)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
I forgot to thank you for the compliments,as I said one day,half of my job belongs to you,great feedback makes my job easy and so we come to the desired result that suits you... You ar great,respect ! :)
11 years ago
хвала :)

WOW my friend amazing !!! You nailed it on the #276 !!!!!!

The color, font, positioning, weight, layout ... all perfect ! :)

There are 2 minor items that are important to finish to make perfect.

1) You were right about the "O" with the brain in there. Please make the brain black/white like in #184. The yellow that I requested pulled the eye away and does not balance the colors like you had.

2) The cloud looks amazing in #276. I love the way the bottom of the cloud looks bigger and like it is flowing towards us. Very nice. The line weight, color, and lines cutting in are all perfect. The only things that I would like to see a variation on the symmetry of the the cloud. It looks exactly the same from the left side to the right. Please try to vary a little the cloud in the left or right so that it does not look the same.

My friend also was wondering how the SOLUTIONS would look like with the current design with just the basic text with no keyhole or the brain in the "O". Could you make 1 version of #276 with just the simple text for SOLUTIONS. That would be awesome if you do not mind.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Bryan my friend,

I did the changes as you requested,and I added one new font for the "solutions",meybe you like this one....
I make cloud slightly bigger on one side...on works #276 , you can`t to see that cloud from one side is bigger than other,2mm :) but drawing is so small than you can not see well....
Please let me know is everthing ok? thanks buddy :)

P.S. You excellent talking Serbian :P

Kind regards
11 years ago
Goran my friend,

Excellent work on everything! I have made my decision on the final design. Thank you VERY much for the efforts and exploring different design concepts. From the test group that I have been reviewing and taking their feedback, all agree that the SOLUTIONS should be simple and not have the brain and key hole. Personally I love it, but understand where they are coming from that it confuses the clarity of the word.

The winning design is entry #283 !!!! It looks amazing :)

Please provide to me a high resolution PNG with the background and white being transparent. I would also appreciate if you do not mind making a quick gray scale version that I will need for invoicing and such. Please provide me a full AI version compatible with Adobe CS/2; Grayscale version in EPS; CMYK version in EPS; RGB version in EPS; High resolution, CMYK version in JPG; High resolution RGB version in JPG.

Not sure the delivery method but you can email to me at (25 MB email limit per email)

Thank you again for everything. I hope that we can work together in the future :)
11 years ago
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