looking forward to the future
What We Do
Solution thing is an global organization which is hybrid of company and NGO. It has the following goals:
- protect your privacy
- eradicate inequality
- green earth
- colonize the space
Anybody can join us to create a better future.
ST has two pillars:
- Developing an AI to improve your life
- Protecting your privacy
Pension fund:
- Investing in to the projects which will improve our future in following sectors:
○ Climate change & energy
○ Healthcare
○ Education
○ Space and Energy
It is a pitch for Energy society, raised money are invested in projects which will contribute to our goals. Part of the dividends is reinvested, part is redistributed as Universal income to all shareholders.
Ownership structure:
- The basic principle is that everybody who contributed something to the solution thing owns share in it.
- The share is the same and it doesn't matter if you contributed one dollar, one million or billion.
Color Preferences
green, blue, yellow, grey
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I want it to be memorable and of good taste, i want people to feel hope.