What We Do
This is a blog for Christians who are living their faith journey without the companionship and support of a believing spouse or significant other--either because they are not married, because they are divorced, or because they are married to someone who does not share their faith.
Color Preferences
Green, yellow, white, grey are all acceptable color choices.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I lack any inspiration for conveying a single person that is committed to the Lord. I definitely don't want an image of a Bible or book in the log. This will be used as a masthead for a blog, so I'd like to make sure it has a great horizontal/landscape shape. *** NEW INFORMATION: possible images linked to saints--crown, dove, bee, beehive, chalice, lilly, a shield, roses entwined in a crucifix, a flowering tree, a key
In the winning logo, please provide hi resolution JPEG images in three sizes that can be used over white backgrounds.