Solar CraftLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Solar Craft Solar Craft has selected their winning logo design. For $675 they received 292 designs from 34 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Annotation Delete We are sorry, but the time to edit this annotation has expired. Save Cancel Entries by intrepidguppy Return to Contest Return to Contest Comment Activity Order by Ranking Entry Number Comment Activity To leave a comment please click on the logo. Withdrawn 4th Withdrawn New Withdrawn New 3 Withdrawn Prefers others. 3 Comment Activity intrepidguppy commented on #270 Withdrawn Thanks Joshua, Just making sure you saw the other variant with the 'electric' fin. 8 years ago joshua commented on #270 Withdrawn Nice, I like it 8 years ago intrepidguppy commented on #270 Withdrawn Manta - why? Big black dorsal area (like a solar array - hint to sun) - well known and beloved sea creature. 8 years ago intrepidguppy commented on #132 Withdrawn Hi, thanks for the comment. Do you have an idea which creature you were wanting? Eg.popular creature? Agressive? Passive? mythical? Etc? 8 years ago joshua commented on #132 Withdrawn I like your logo, very cool. We have decided that we are going to try to use some sort of sea creature instead of the guys out. Do you think you can come up with something? That would go along with your logo? Nicely done! 8 years ago intrepidguppy commented on #132 Withdrawn Hi, Enjoy. Modeled after your nicely made handwriting. 8 years ago
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Just making sure you saw the other variant with the 'electric' fin.