softowLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / softow

softow has selected their winning logo design.

For $475 they received 470 designs from 100 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

Software para empresas de gruas
What We Do
Softow is the ultimate solution for towing companies looking to streamline their operations and take their business to the next level. Our cutting-edge service offers remote dispatching and call answering, allowing you to provide fast and efficient service to your customers while minimizing downtime and maximizing profits.

Softow is the unquestioned leader for cloud-based towing software. Our towing, roadside and impound software is your all-encompassing solution for Private Property, Police Calls, Transport, Local Calls, Motor Clubs, and more!

Our software was built with you in mind; save countless hours on training staff with our user-friendly interface and intuitive design. Accepting calls, assigning calls, tracking job progress, and managing vehicle inventory just got a whole lot easier!
Color Preferences
Black, greys, orange or blues
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We will have an app, so we need the app icon.
I like poppins bold letter style, but its just a reference.
Style Inspiration


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