I would still like to submit more versions, the contest though is in judging mode already; only the designer in first place would be able to submit more designs... Are you going to be extending this contest? Thanks for the feedback. I'd love to work on this one...
Oh wow! I didn't realize that happened, sorry :( I just extended it :)) Oh, and I just posted this: I have to apologize to everyone... We JUST realized that all these links are to one page with hundreds of invites :( Sorry! Here's the names of the designs we like:
Thanks for extending :) ... I checked out the invitations and submitted more designs for you to see. Curious... Do you prefer to see the initials SHS in the logo?
Thanks for ranking! Feel free to let me know if there are variations or changes you'd like to see... I'll be submitting more designs, perhaps as simplistic as #86 or like #85...
LOVE #85 & #86! #85 - Maybe different colors? And font? #86 - We don't like how it gets lighter on the background toward the middle... Or the font of society hill.
Thanks for the positive feedback! I am an artist and these are my original designs. I changed the Society Hill font style in all of the recent submissions; hope you like the font. I think it shows luxury…
The background on #86 was adjusted to a solid brown in #96 and something different in #95. On these designs, I purposely kept the Society Hill font and flowers white; I think it helps connect the company name to weddings.
The colors on #85 were changed to the green/brown combo #97 with a touch of yellow...
New designs: #98 and #100 with a tie in to film/cinema also #102 modern and artistic…
I would love to see a simple font not on an angle, just to compare. Love the design element in #85..we really love the idea of a pattern or design element we can carry through our website and marketing materials for brand recognition. While I love #98 I don't want to confuse the consumer, that we might offer only photography OR that we shoot on film :(..love the cherry blossom/ dogwood flowers! Thanks and these all look great!
Here's a different spin on #102 with a simple font not in an angle as requested... Would you like to see this font with some of the other designs? The design on #102 and #103 was derived from the design element seen on #85, just without the leaf on the top...
On #56 could we see it with a different font maybe? Not sure if you saw my earlier comments I posted on the first page...I love these fonts but know they won't work with every design :)
Bernhard Fashion, Avant Garde, Canterbury, Papyrus
Hi there, These are the font variations requested... #105 & #109 & #113 with Papyrus #106 & #110 & #114 with Canterbury #107 & #111 & #115 with Bernhard Fashion #108 & #112 & #116 with Avant Garde Thank you!
Hi there! Thanks so much! Sorry :( What if: Alright, I like #97 just as it is. #96 - I like this... I'd be interested in seeing the font for SHS a little different... Maybe a handwritten type font? Like Honey Script? #114 - I like the font of cinema boutique but don't like the font for SHS... Maybe try the same font as #97 or something else?
Hey! We really like the font & letter spacing on #110 but our top designs are #85, 97, 114, & 118. On #97 & 85 could you make the font like #110 and maybe a version with honey script? On #118 could you make the background one solid color instead of lighter towards the center? we like this with honey script! On #114 could we see a few more font variations? And maybe see one where only the S, H, and the S are capitilized instead of every letter in each word? BUT we do like cinema boutique all in capitals.
Alright... we're leaning more and more towards #117 :) Can you change the background so it's an even background color? And maybe more fonts? What font do you think works with the design element you're using here?
Out of curiosity... if we pick this as the winner, do we receive a .psd version? I'd like to be able to seperate the symbol from the text for certain things, ya know? AND MAYBE, tweek the colors, Maybe :/
Hi! I will the make the changes requested when I get home today... As far as the .psd file, I can certainly email it or I can place it in my website for you to download; your preference... Thank you!
Hi good evening, #97 with font like #110 = #138 (manually modified) and #135 in Honey Script and #136 in Century Gothic #85 with font like #110 = #139 (manually modified) and #134 in Honey Script and #137 in Century Gothic
#114 and #117 (#140 with solid background) with different fonts: #141, #142, #143, #144, #145, #146, #147, #148, #149, #150, #151 and #152
All the recent uploads have a solid background but notice #140 and #141; do you prefer the lighter brown or the shade darker?
Awesome! Love it! #140 looks great :) We would like the background darker but if we can get a layered .psd at the end I could change it too :) Whatever is easier. We hope to seperate the the actual symbol from the text for our business cards and letterhead and with the .psd file I may play around with the positioning of cinema boutique if that's okay :))
Sure! I can place the symbol, text and backgrounds in different layers. I would need to know the approximate pixel size you want the file to be, though...
Hey, you know, I have no idea what pixel size I need... I know we MAY want to use the symbol on our paper with reduced opacity on the background... Ya know? So I guess whatever is big enough for that :)
Alright, no problem... I can set it to be 1000px by 800px, which is the requirement size from Logotournament for the accompanying JPG of the EPS file... I was thinking that you might want it to be a larger dimension, but if you're printing it on a letter size paper as a letterhead, it would be just fine. If not, you can reach me, my contact information is available in my website... Thank you very much!...
Thank you so much! : ) I have uploaded the EPS and JPG files to Logo Tournament; I hope they meet your final approval. I also have your PSD file ready... How would you like to receive the PSD file? Perhaps by email? Thanks again...