SnoCal Shaved IceLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / SnoCal Shaved Ice

SnoCal Shaved Ice has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 101 designs from 6 different designers from around the world.




















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Thanks for the designs!
as far as #42 goes, it didnt really feel right to us, so we just moved it off the board.

#41 could have some potential. A couple of comments:
-Not thrilled with the color of the word snocal and the outline on shaved ice. We like how they mirror each other, but maybe try a fun green, or maybe another blue.
-the sun kind of looks like an egg yolk. can we maybe play with that to see if we can change it to look more like a sun. if you could include a gull or two, that might help. gulls like the top left ones from this link:

We haven't seen anyone really play into the food truck idea yet. The wave is cool, but maybe we can fit a food truck outline in there instead of the wave?

Thanks again!
12 years ago
Also, the font isn't our fav. anything more modern? also its ok to make snocal be one word, but maybe change the size of the "no" and the "al" so that you can tell its SnoCal, or change the color of Sno and the color of Cal..
12 years ago
like it better already!
all comments for #45
can you make the bottom of the L extend to the right a bit more?
can we see a differnt type of sun? maybe something like these:

fonts are improved! Can we play with the color. thats a little too purple for us.
12 years ago
love the gulls!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback, here are the latest revisions #46 & #47.
I'm also working on something with a truck.
Thanks again,
12 years ago
Don. lookin better each time you submit :)

all comments for #47
the rays and blues all stop just short of the edge of the green oval outline. would it be possible to add a white boarder there too? Not sure if that makes sense, but basically it would go green, to a thin white line, then to the rays/ blues/ water etc...follow?

can you make the actual round part of the sun a bit bigger?

any way to cut back on the amount of rays that are on the right side of the sun? There are so many jammed in there its kind of a lot...

lastly, can you maybe add just one or two more detail items to the whitewash part of the wave?

Thanks! Cant wait to see this and the truck :)
12 years ago
#51 is lookin good. can the white line on the outside be a little thicker? it almost disappears at the bottom. I'm still hung up on the sun too. Just not quite right. Any ideas?

i REALLY REALLY like the font you used in #50 for the word snocal. can we start with that for number #50, and play with the surfboard idea? I dont think we need the sun in the background. I'm not too fond of that truck. Maybe getting rid of the shaved ice out the window might help...
or maybe make the word shaved ice be as long as the the word snocal. then envelope the whole thing in a truck outline?

or even better yet. use that shape of the truck, and make the snocal and shaved icebe the body, add a bumper to it on the front and back, half wheels on the bottom..think that would work?
12 years ago
can you take the snocal from #50 and put it in the spot on number #54?

lets try it without the sun altogether. maybe just make it wavy, like this:
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the additional feedback, I'll be away from my design computer for most of the day
but when I get back I'll submit the revised designs.
Thanks again,
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#75 & #76 - Here are the latest designs, please let me know what you think.
12 years ago
Don! Thanks for the updates
Think I like #75 more.
Can we make the Cal top be white like it is in Sno?
can the bottom of both be the same blue that's in the bottom of Cal?

The lines coming off the wave kind of look like wolverine from Xmen :)
Can we try getting rid of the wave all together, and just having a few wavy lines like you have between snocal and shaved ice already?

or, we can try playing with the lines, but the wave isnt hitting me right...
12 years ago
also, in #75, for shaved ice, can we reverse it so that its a dark blue outline and a white fill?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure thing, I'll get to work on these asap.
12 years ago
for #77, can we do the same thing I mentioned for #75...make snocal have white on top for both sections, and have the blue on bottom match the blue that is in cal's bottom half?

also for #77, instead of the red oval, can we try just the wording, outlined in red, and a bit bigger so it starts even with the left side of the S and ends in the right side of the L of snocal?

12 years ago
Nice work!

Let's work on #75.
* Take the SnoCal from #78 and put it into #75.
* Move the lower bird left a bit so it's not hitting the C in "Cal"
* Let's keep the wave but make the wave lines thinner and get rid of the one by the D in "Shaved"

For #78
* Can we see #78 with the revamped wave added in?
* Move the lower bird left a bit so it's not hitting the C in "Cal"

For #80
* Take the truck, make it a little smaller, and try and fit it in between Shaved and Ice
* Replace the birds where the truck was
12 years ago
For #76
* Move the lower bird left a bit so it's not hitting the C in "Cal"
* Use the SnoCal from #78
* Keep the wave but make the wave lines thinner
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the latest feedback, I will make the changes & get them posted
in the morning.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Good Morning,
Here are the latest revisions, #85 #86 #87 & #89, let me know your thoughts.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
FYI - On the designs using the wave #85 #86 & #87, the 'foam' of the wave also gives
an indication of snow, so it has sort of a double meaning. Just a thought...
12 years ago
Thanks for the updates!

Lets work off of #78...
* can you add the truck from number #80 into the same space.
* change the trim color from green to one of the blues
* place the birds in the same area as they are in #80
* can you make the bottom fills inside the circle have only two blue waves and not three (get rid of the top light one).

Also, for #78
can we see a version where the truck is under the s and n of snocal, and then have the words shaved ice off to the right of the truck.

also, for the truck....are there graphics on the side of the truck? just have it blank please.
Think thats it for now. Thanks for the help!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the latest feedback, here are the revised designs.
On #91, I took the liberty to add yellow tones to the truck as I felt it looked
a little too monochromatic against the blue waves.
Hope you like these...
12 years ago
#91 looks rock solid!
We'd like to try a few changes to the truck. Currently it looks a little too much like a mini van or airport shuttle. Can we play with it?

We really like the two tone color of it with the yellow and blue...NICE TOUCH!

We're thinking something that has the shape and look like this:

Can't wait to check it out :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is the design with revised truck #92, let me know...
12 years ago
#92 is soo close. we're still hung up on the truck. we like the location of it. font is good too! colors great.

we uploaded two truck files to the examples. foodtruck and greentruck files. we like both of those. can you try playing off of those?

12 years ago
Logo Designer
I'll work on that.
The file named foodtruck just shows a blank page when I open it...
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is the new truck #96... hope you like it!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Correction... see & #97, not #96, I made a minor change...
12 years ago
getting closer!
can we see #97
without a cash register.
a slightly less taller awning for the window.
if you can incorporate some supports for the awning so it doesnt look like its floating, that might be good too.
can you smooth out the blue and yellow wave in the truck just a bit?

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure thing, I get on it asap.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok, I think I may have it now. #98
Let me know what you think.
12 years ago
I think we're basically there. One last change. can you make the white space between the outside blue ring and the inside color fills a little bit wider. Just want to see that option.

We're happy with the truck now! looks great :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I will be at my design computer around 5 pm today and will get to that last change.
Thank you again for the great feedback.
12 years ago
Don. Barring some crazy turn of events, it looks like you're going to be our horse! We love the work you've done, and we're excited to have a logo for our new start up.

Wanted to ask, are you available for outside work after the contest? We might need some idea's for shirts, stickers, and even a wrap for our truck if you do that sort of stuff...

I think the contest is over by 5, so if you get that new revision in before then, great, if not, we'll deal with it later....
Thanks again!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi David,
That sounds great! Thanks for choosing my design. I can still submit entries while in judging mode, I'll
be back do my design computer at 5pm (CDT) it will only take a minute to make that last change.
Yes, I can do some design work after the contest if needed.
Thanks again,
I'll be in touch again as soon as I get back.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi David,
Here is the revision with the thicker white space between the ovals. #101
Let me know...
12 years ago
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