Thank you for Entry #46. It is clean & crisp and I really like the colour scheme. Please rotate the logo above the text 45 degress so that it is more apparent that it is an 'S.' Could you please also provide me with an insight as to the thought process behind this design.
Hello paul im at work now and very bussy so sorry that i wrote a little bit late back. at first i want to say that i do not that for money. i want to make logos and logotype's that are creative and correct because when we do that only for money i can make in 1 week 100 of logos but that is not correct.. i have rotate the logo but :( is not looking good. i think that you must think about #47 because its very creative and it looks like i have do nothink :) but trust me to find somethink like this you must dosomethink :) if you think it must looking moore like an ''S'' i must work on it and make few changes it will be better than rotating the old one? Thank you Can
Thank you for taking the time to respond. I like your work, it is very crisp & I believe would represent well in the corporate world environment. I will get my business partner to take a look at them today & provide some further feedback later.
Thank you for your additional entries. I think Entry #46 is your best to date and also like how you have incorporated the laces into your other entries. Apologies for temporarily moving a number of your entries into the 'not interested' column, at this point in time it makes shortlisting a little easier than looking at a plethora of images.
Thank you Paul.. footlockers logo with no efects... i think that a logo must have no efects and must minimalistik in form so we can use it for a long time... #90 and the work from mikemx #62 i think are the best ones...
Thank you for your revised entries and also comment, I appreciate receiving the thoughts of a designer as you are the ones with the experience in what works & does not work. I think of your entries with shoes laces incorporated Entry #90 stands out as the best/most workable one thus far. I also agree that mikemx is doing some very good work also.
Thank you sir... i also think that #127 is the best from my works. it is giving me confidence, so it easier to trust when we buy somethink and we can use the logo in the future for shirts and shoes as well. but the best of the part is that is minimalistic and have a secret beauty and that are the lashes for me. the best logos of the world have secret beautys like ''feedex'' it looks like there was nothng to do but there is a arrow between the e & x.