So, in 59, can you make the S in smoke red and the m in mirrors red and the rest the same color you're already using... (also.. a second version with the "&" in white) and maybe play with the placement and density of the smoke image in a third... in all of them we love the vapor lounge red... and prefer the mirror effect from number 58
one of the strongest designs... number 95 with the red in the smoke is really cool... would love to see you play with that on the other clouds as well... also... maybe try a gradient from the red to the grey color moving from the bottom to the top... and if there's a way you can make the S in smoke and the M in mirrors stand out while doing that... we would love to see it!
On 153... can you get rid of the cigarette and the smoke above it all together... could you also do a variation of 153 with thick vapor in the background.... we are having a difficult time seeing how the center large vapor would translate into a sign.