Entry #12 - Liking this - the letters are seeming a little washed out - How can you make them pop back? Please try in a different entry and leave this one in.
Entry # 119 - can you show me this same one in a different entry with the letters in SMART a little less faded at the top, but still the variation in shade? Trying to keep the look, but make it pop a little more.
Ketut, If I choose one of yours as the contest winner, can I try 3 or 4 of them? I'd like to see how they do with the printer on our bottle labels. I also need one with the shield above and one with the shield at the side. The logotournament people have not answered this question for me yet.
Please see my entry #146 #147 i put the shield on side of text that will logo look's like in above. About you question, in final logo you will get 3 version of your logo : 1. logo with color 2. Logo with grayscale view 3. Logo with black and white and also you will get color guide for logo need on print. is there any question you can ask to support@logotournament.com