I like your color choices in #4 and the general look of your logos. However, those abstract pictorial marks don't say "health" or "fitness" to us. Can you please revisit the colors on #3 and #5 and give us a more dynamic, energetic text treatment. Perhaps lose the pictorial design, or integrate something that better indicates the "healthy" focus?
Thanks for the new submissions! Really like #16. Would it be possible to see another version of that design with some slightly bolder text?
We also like #17 quite a bit. Would like to see a version of that one with a more stylized text treatment.
#15 is cool, maybe a little too "young", but we still like it. Could we perhaps see this one with all of the text in orange (but still with the white and blue stroke), and the left-side figure in the red used in #17?
Thanks so much - we think we're heading really good directions here!