It's nice to see some new aproaches. the warlus with the controles is a good idea, but we don't make console games, we make internet games. Trying to find and emblem is quite hard, but if you make a nice one, i'm sure we would love it. "sm4rt" is too techno.
Please keep trying. We like your approach, we didn't like the mouse :( On #18 we like the "4r" and we don't like the "sm". On#18 we like that the emblem has 2 meanings. We want to see more ideas on the emblem.
Can you please try 2 variations of #81. 1: no volume the "4" in orange 2: no volume the "4" in orange, but the "4" in a glossy square. (typical glossy square, like the one i have ranked an #2)