SlimulaLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Slimula Slimula has selected their winning logo design. For $250 they received 81 designs from 22 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by jdmerlin Return to Contest Return to Contest 1st #36 4th #54 5th #12 8th #1 New #5 Withdrawn New #39 Withdrawn New #38 Withdrawn New #14 Withdrawn New #13 Withdrawn New #6 Withdrawn New #4 Discussion jdmerlin Logo Designer Let me know if you wish to see different text or color combos(This comment references Entry #1) 14 years ago m47p47 Client Nice job man - i like the style so far but i am waiting to get some more results.thanksshlomo 14 years ago m47p47 Client Hi J,can you add the TM (trademark sign) to the logos??? so far you have the nicest 2 we like.thanksshlomo 14 years ago m47p47 Client Hi JD,Can you add the company name under the logo like you did in Entry # 5 & # 13??E & E Nutritions Corp.We like to see how it looks.Thanksshlomo 14 years ago jdmerlin Logo Designer added it in 3 different spots(This comment references Entry #36) 14 years ago m47p47 Client Hi Jd,You still our favorite on this design, we need some little revisions to get it perfect:Our Favorite is Entry #36 and here are the revisions:1) Please make it also in whitebackground2) we also like to see Entry #12 in green background like Entry #36thanksshlomo 14 years ago jdmerlin Logo Designer As far as #12 in green...its basically #5 and #13...If I were to win, and you wanted that one, I would add the TM...etc - Here is your other request in white(This comment references Entry #54) 14 years ago