can we see a totally fresh concept on the font?! i like what you did with #139 with the lines + splatter... just not really feeling the font.... maybe do something all caps
I see that the designer who was removed will be reinstated, but as long as I am ranked first for a minute I will go ahead and submit the design that you asked me to work on this morning. If you wanted to keep working on this one I would rough up the type some more, but I realize that you will probably want to go back to the design you were working on with the other designer. I wouldn't want you to end up with a design that is not your first choice, so I am glad that Support is trying to take care of this for you. If you have any questions about logo courts or anything else you can always contact them. Thanks for a great contest.
Another type option. Can you tell me what you want the type to convey, or give me a general idea of the style you're seeking? I'll be happy to keep at it. Laura
is there anything else we can add to the font/lettering? a light touch of something, some slight manipulation of some sort just for the extra oomph? just needs a little bit more character
#260, #251 not feeling the lettering on these, just feels generic to me =(
on #260, you're able to see more of the icon's mohawk splatter,
can you accentuate the mohawk a bit on #263 as well
thank you so much for all your work, you are killing fools!
Here's the latest version, with a few enhancements. The only difference between the last two I submitted was a subtle gray striping effect in the background. I have it on this one, too, but it can easily be removed if you don't like it. Let me know what you think.
out of all them, i still dig #263 the best... the face is just awesome on that...
the mouth is kind of killing it, my fault.... what about a giant open mouth on the dude? like him screaming, open wide, giant mouth... would love to see how that looks
i like the splatter on #272, #283 is kinda overkill, takes away from the letters too much, maybe something inbetween would be a cool fit
Here are a couple with open mouth. I have to go to a holiday family thing this afternoon, so I won't be able to make any more revisions for a few hours. I'm happy to keep working at it with you, though. Thanks!
hey thanks so much for working on this with me i truly, truly, truly appreciate it, i know this is annoying as all hell...
i like your logo the best, but my manager digs the number 2 ranked one.... it's definitely going to be my decision though!
i'm looking for more of a scream, maybe if the dude was eating a record, or screaming out a record in a sense....
my favorite is still #263 right now... still would love to see more of his black splash mohawk splashing outwards over the blue and yellow splashes
my bad on messing with the guys mouth, it's just not looking right... we have to change his look slightly so he can scream properly?!
maybe have the caveman icon, on the left of the icon, facing the type instead of facing away from it, and have him screaming into the type, and if that sounds horrible, just do whatever you think would be dope...
something with just a bit more of a scream/energy coming out of the icon
is there any more slight touches of manipulation we can add to the font? it still looks a bit too generic for me
Here's a few more. I am happy to keep working with you if you end up choosing my design. I can keep making revisions once the contest has ended before you approve the files. I would love to keep revising with you in the hopes of being chosen, but I'm getting close to having to call it quits. It's just that I have a couple of paying projects I need to get done, and without knowing that I'll be paid for the work I'm doing with you, I just have to make a call at some point... I hope you understand. I've had a great time working on these designs, and I sincerely hope you choose me as the winner. As I said, if I'm selected I'll keep working with you indefinitely until you are completely happy with the logo. I would keep working indefinitely without a guarantee of payment if I could. Thanks so much for the chance to compete.
hey, i understand how you're feeling, this is what you do for a living baby! i truly appreciate all your work.
at the end of the day, this is a competition and i'm just not 100% happy yet.
like i said before, you are definitely my favorite choice thus far. but i feel like this specific design has come as far as it can come, and i need to give other people a chance.
#263 is still my favorite, it just works better than the others. i think him screaming out the outline of a record, or just eating/biting/having a record in his mouth would top it off. i love your design of the record, and the icon, that is really what is carrying this logo.
the font is still lacking that edge, the colors are amazing but the basic font is still generic.... it just needs a LITTLE something... these are some font manipulations i like below: