
United States
The love child of a com­poser + radio head, Sleeper was raised by instru­ments and gypsies. Known for his mind-​​blowing sets, the turntab­list has been fea­tured on ESPN, MTV’s Mix­tape Mon­days, The Miami Her­ald, + SCRATCH Mag­a­zine. Sleeper blends across gen­res, gen­er­a­tions + styles, form­ing a one-​​of-​​a-​​kind musi­cal experience. sleepershadesweb Sleeper has spun all over North Amer­ica, South Amer­ica, + inter­na­tion­ally in Jamaica, Shang­hai, + The Min­istry of Sound in Taipei. Sleeper’s tal­ents have been on dis­play with scores of head­lin­ers includ­ing Ludacris, Com­mon, Mix Mas­ter Mike, Wyclef Jean + BT. He’s cre­ated mixes for Spit­Kicker — home to lumi­nar­ies such as Kanye West, Talib Kweli + Dave Chap­pelle, + Hip Hop Con­gress  — one of the largest non­profit hip hop orga­ni­za­tions in the world. His resume boasts a vast rain­bow of sport­ing + lifestyle events includ­ing Rock The Bells, Nike White Men Can’t Jump Tour­na­ment, Ryan Sheck­ler X Games Tour­na­ment, Mexico’s Baja 1000, Gui­tar Hero 3 Release, Oscars® Gift­ing Suite, Paul Mitchell Fash­ion Show, InStyle Mag­a­zine Fash­ion Show, Apple Store, Honda US Open, For­mula 1 Grand Prix, Adi­das Final Four Event, Hot Import Nights, XM Radio, Red Bull Drift­ing World Cham­pi­onship, David Beck­ham soc­cer event, + MLS Cham­pi­onship Game. sleeperbull With a fat­ten­ing 10,000 piece record col­lec­tion spread across two states, Sleeper’s eclec­tic arse­nal includes jazz, funk + soul, hip-​​hop, rock, elec­tro, house + boo­gie woo­gie. His abil­ity to jug­gle and remix tracks live while incor­po­rat­ing turntab­lism into his blends cre­ates an elec­tric atmos­phere you have to see to believe. Com­ing from a com­pe­ti­tion back­ground, Sleeper fin­ished as one of the Top 8 DJs on the planet in the 2006 World Series Turntable Cham­pi­onship. He’s also a two-​​time win­ner of the Hip Hop Con­gress Bat­tle and a Gui­tar Cen­ter Spin Off store champ. sleepescratchurinal Based in Los Ange­les, Sleeper has per­formed and held res­i­den­cies at notable Los Ange­les venues such as Henry Fonda The­ater, Ham­mer Museum, Boule­vard 3, Van­guard, LAX, The Stan­dard, Kress, Crash Man­sion, Hyde, Ecco, S Bar, Mood , The High­lands, Social, The Dime+ Cir­cle Bar.
Joined August 2010
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