I created a new concept, something different from other competitors, is an image that stays in your mind. If you have any questions, ideas or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me! imaGinatium
Hello Imaginarium- Your designs look great but please change the colors to Dark Blue and orange. I really like the two RR facing each other but I also want ROOFTECH in their with ROOF Dark Blue and TECH Orange. Also make it look like we do more commercial renovations versus only residential. Thanks!
Thanks! You and your staff are pretty creative. I like entry 26 the best but want the font larger like 27 so just change #26 font. Also could you make font a little thicker one each work with lighter shades of color or white to make it look shiny or more 3D so it pops off the page. Also change Roffing to ROOFING. Hope this helps!
One last finishing touch with the one in the silver and blue. Can you add the wings around the RR like the designers logo ranked #2? Please add asap. Thanks!
Can you make one more revision? We want to make the 2 R's back to back into a commercial building or 2 pillars? Just brainstorming how to make your logo more commercial versus residential.
Your still being considered for the gold. After the revisions on the current #1 ranked logo are completed I'll put you in number 1 so you can make a few last final changes. Let me know if your alright with this.