Hi Snerp, I think this is a great start. I will try to give my impressions that are off the cuff as to what I see. The Palmetto tree is the most recognizable image in the Carolinas, but it looks a certain way. The Palmetto tree in the design seems to have some curvature to the base..I'd like the tree to look just as it does in the flag. I like the size of your crescent moon, though I'd like to play with that a little and see it differently if possible. We can immediately rule out the blue and yellow...I prefer the red and blue colors as it's inline with our corporate colors.
On the whole, I think it's a great first start. I'd like to play with bringing the skydiver guy in a little larger and the moon a little smaller perhaps and see how it contrasts with this design. I'd be curious to see more emphasis on the word Carolina versus Fest in terms of font size.
Snerp, great start! I appreciate your hard work that you've put towards this!
Snerp, I think we are getting closer. Here's a challenge for you....do you think we can keep the logo within 3 colors in order to keep my costs down for screen printing for tee shirts? I prefer the darker blue in the name Skydive Carolina (as found in entry 6) versus the lighter blue....
I'd be curious to see the moon smaller still......we're on the right track here......
Snerp, we're on the right track..Here's some feedback for you:
Entry #16: I really like this logo in terms of the size of the word Skydive Carolina and our 'swoop man.' I'm not crazy about the font and I think universally with all the logos, I'd like to see less emphasis on the word 'Fest'. I'd love to see the Fest brought down to be smaller allowing the word Carolina to pop out a bit more. I'm not too keen on the Palmetto tree being built in to the 'F' in Fest and the moon within the C.
What I do like about this entry is the form of it. It's unlike anything anyone else has down. I'm not wondering if we take this approach and have the Palmetto tree standing alone on the left side and the CarolinaFest being next to it.....a better way of saying that is the tree standing tall with the word Carolina and fest to the right of it. ......Thank you for your efforts...I'm sorry to be so demanding....I just want it to really jump out.
Entry #2 - I love this logo because of how clean it looks and straightforward it is. It is fantastic. I'd like to see the word Fest is not as prominent, and make 'Carolina' stand out a little bit more - perhaps have it in the color of red with a larger Skydive Carolina logo above it.