Hello: Since you were open to some new ideas... #60 plays a bit with the "be" -- in giving you a bee, something that would be gracing the sky. #61 is type only, but a font that to me seemed a bit cloud-like and light. Looking forward to your thoughts.
I like your ideas and would like to see it developed further. I like a more simple font and nothing so literal with a "bee". This logo will be used to market corporate services around well-being training in meditation and yoga. Also, it will be used on products such as candles...needs to versatile. Thanks!
Hello: I just uploaded some options, changing out the bee for some other "B" creatures: birds and a butterfly. I like the play on the "B is for _______" idea, but also the freedom and rejuvination of "being" in the "sky". I've also selected a simpler, sleek font. Looking forward to your thoughts!