This is just what I asked for- its brilliant. I just don't know if a cow is associated with fashion. It's prob my favorite and ill rank it as soon as I figure out how to on the iPad.
Love the feel of 74. The circle def looks like it could be a metal plaque. Your logos are so creative yet subtle and restrained. I wonder if in 74 you could draw an outline of a cow (in the circle instead of the letters). It can be abstract...
Its ok. I keep bugging you because I think your design aesthetic is the best here.
In submission 74, see if you can take out the SCB from the circle and simple draw an outline of a cow skull or a cows head (search on google for cow skull and you'll find what im talking about)
SO #250 is best. 1. Can you try putting a colored in circle around the skull... Very light grey.. Almost white.. Don't change the whole background. Only around the logo
2. Put the logo to the left of the letters. Try making the letters bigger.
#323 is great. Can you make the bottom of the head look more round (like in the ones with no background)
how about playing with color ? can you make the skull or the background metallic (gold, or copper) The striped background circle that is - its really great...
if you cant get the gold to show as a metallic, we'll leave it as is
ill probably take #331 as is, and also the logo by itself, and also the logo to the left of the lettering (as in #324) - maybe the 'for narrow calves' can be a little bigger
Congratulations. 1. Please send a file with just the the skull logo. 2. Please send a file as is (but delete "for narrow calves') 3. Please send a file with the skull to the left of the writing 'skinnycalf boots'... With the writing bigger (or the logo smaller)