Hi there, I hope this icon of the green leaf/drop of water symbolizes the blend of creams, hydration, liquids of your products as well as hints to the natural, green leaf, earthy side of your products aw well. I think this does a nice job. I can always play with different type faces, but the ones I chose do seem light, modern and prfessional etc. Anyways I hope this is on the right track, but feel free to give me any feedback. Thanks! W Are you located in Canada? I am in Victoria!
Really nice job with the water drop/leaf! The combination of moisture and nature is exactly the type of look we are aiming for. We like the look of Entry #3. The shadow under the company name is great! Can please you try a couple variations of the font? Well done!
Ok, here are a few more variations of fonts! #20, #21, #22 are the latest samples. Hope one of these create the right feel for you. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks.
Your icon is capturing us perfectly. We're just looking for a little more "fun" font option. Not too fun, but not too professional. Our idea is that a fun, but professional font option, combined with a simple icon design will be the perfect medium to appeal to both genders, or at least not push one away.....
So far we still prefer Entry #3's font. That is about as professional as we would want... Hopefully that helps to give you baring on the spectrum we are looking at.
Finally we would like to see the icon be about 60% of the size it is currently, without change to the shadow.
Hi there, I've submitted a bunch more. I tried reducing the drop down to 60% size as you suggested to emphasis the text more so rather than just the icon. I also tried a few more placements of the drop since you were wanting to integrate it more closely to the words so they stood out more so than the icon. I hope one of these might accomplish that. Thanks for the suggestions, I think some of these are getting really nice! I really like a couple of these. I like 44 and 42, well they all work in their own way really. WC
Hi again. I just had a comment about entry #41 (ranked 4th). I like how it's more integrated into the text and sits really nicely there to create a nice compact logo, but my only problem is that I think it gets harder to read when you break up the work Skinjoyable. It kind of splits the word in half and it takes you a second to really understand what the company name is. Is this product called Skinj Yable? Or is that drop supposed to be a letter in the middle? It just creates a little ambiguity when you want it to be very simple and easy to read right away. I'm usually not a huge fan of splitting the text up with an icon like that, unless it's an obvious letter. That is why I do like the #40 image you have ranked as first at the moment. Just my 2 cents worth :) Thanks.
Hello, I tried one more tweak to this drop idea. I've added a leaf stem to the drop to reinforce the natural/green aspect to your product. Hope it helps the logo a little more? Thanks!