Thank you for your entry, It's a good start. I'd like the logo to evoke the feeling that it's a retreat, a getaway, a very romantic, natural setting, with a bit of whimsy. I like this logo:
#2 is definitely going in the right direction - try a different font, one that is a little less wiggly, easier to read. I like the water in #1 the tent roof should be the topping the whole logo. Thank you.
#12 - the font is better but the "y" is a bit distracting, have you got a few other, different fonts I can see? Can you delete the two dots above the tent roof? and maybe put to posts coming down (but not attached to) the roof - maybe it'll look more like a tent that way, instead of a mountain range? with the water beneath the posts? Or, with one of the water waves below "on Lone Man Creek" with the phrase following the contour of the wave? Thank you!
Thank you Design Lab, I like the tent roof of #12, but without the two dots - can you bring that back and maybe, put only two posts, not connected to the roof. I saw a commercial with a "tent sale" and the tent had a tiny flag at the highest point - It really helped to recognize it as a tent. Could you try one flag (very small) and then three flags, please? Also, can you stretch out the tent, and make it more transparent, so it's an idea, a hint, rather than the main focus - place it behind the name - maybe a different color? I'd like to see the water under the name, also more transparent. Thank you for all your hard work!
#20 (tied for 1st place) Much, much closer. Can you please "loosen up" the tent roof? make it just a bit more "free hand"? kind of a sketch or quick jot? Stretch out the tent roof even more - and let's see what it will look like if you omit just the middle post, leaving the two outer posts? The flags can be a bit smaller, as well. I really like the placement of the water and "on Lone Man Creek". Can you please give me a few different fonts (in all upper case, lower case or mixed) in a khaki color, with the tent roof in a darker, olive green color? Thank you for your work! PS. I'm sorry it's taken so long to respond to your latest entries - I've been a bit under the weather. Thank you for your patience.