I do like this concept. It definitely gives a "kinder, gentler" feel. Can the smiley be integrated into the logo (e.g. the "S" in the smiley being the take off point for the text?
My only concern about this design is that is may fall towards reflecting too strong a pediatric focus. Is there a way to maintain the "gentle" feel, while making the appeal a bit more universal?
This design has great potential!. Thank you for putting the work in on it. I wonder whether there is a way to integrate the "s" into the face a bit more apparently (like you did with #26)? THe other suggestion I would have is separating the smile from the "I" a bit.
I like how this is shaping up. I'm looking forward to seeing further modiifcations!
Thank you for your continued work on and interest in this project. In response to your question, I think the "cartoonishness" of the eye/brow/mouth holds its appeal back a bit for me. If those could be reworked, so that they look less self-consciously cartoony (lack of a better description), that would appeal.
I probably was not super clear on hat was in my mind's eye... I was thinking of the eye and mouth from more of a profile view, rather than en face. Also, it is a bit feminized which may limit its appeal to teh would-be audience. Any chance that adjustments could be made?
Thank you for your additional work and communication on this.