I really like this design! Before reading your comment about the "s" arrangement, I had completely missed it. Perhaps an outline would do well to frame that? Although I like the cleanness of what you have done.
Also, I wondered whether 2 different shades of blue would work for the noses? Other colors? I realize that the purple suggestion is of my own doing, but I don't feel like it works as well here.
I do like the set up and style of the text a lot.
I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work on this!
I see what you mean. Between the two, I like your first design better. I have amended the profile to include black as well. Would some work with black outlining or black text work?
The other question I had was whether there was a way to give the total effect a little bit of 3-d texture, or do you think that would just get too tricky and distracting?
Thank you for your thoughtful input. Again, I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Thank you for your additional wok on this. #38 works well, on the whole. I like the increased contrast in color and the slightly more intense blue. My concern about this color scheme is that, because of the association of black with death (a negative result, medically speaking), using black as something other than an accent color may be counterproductive. I am still interested i seeing what giving it some 3-d texture might do.
Any ideas how to modify?
I am impressed by your work. Thank you for the effort.
One other idea is using grey or a different purple (another darker color?) with the bolder blue to see how either of those work. Could I trouble you to render representative samples of each of those?
I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with...