SimplyWholeHealingLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / SimplyWholeHealing

SimplyWholeHealing has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 180 designs from 21 different designers from around the world.






























































Logo Designer

On my entries #101, #102 and #103, you have one design concept, presented through three different styles.
Basic idea was to use three symbolic/abstract rings (refference to elements appearing in logo tagline), to create healthy, happy individual. This is design concept with actual story behind it, that in my opinion well describes what your work is actually all about,...and in addition, if you detach this logo icon from the text part, it can work great as recognizable/unique stand alone mark. This can be useful for various printing applications and web use (memorable favicon, social media, etc.)

Hope you'll like this concept, and if you feel there's room for improvements, don't hesitate to let me know!

9 years ago
Logo Designer
...some updates on entry #105, and alternative layout on #106! This horizontal layout might be better fit for your website's layout, but centralized layout is usually usefull for other applications. Since it is same logo design, I have no problem delivering both layouts, if needed! Any thoughts/suggestions on these!? Thanks!

9 years ago
Logo Designer

I'm glad you've recognized story and branding potential behind this design, are some updates related to font. #135 might look interesting, but I really like how version on entry #134 turned out, with that brush stroke font, really complemented logo icon style!

Feel free to suggest further improvements if felt needed! Thank you!

9 years ago
Logo Designer
...and horizontal versions, probably more suitable for your website's header proportions, on entries #136 and #137! Thanks!

9 years ago
I like the concept of the brushstroke font, but it feels a little Asian to me... I guess because of the sharper angles. I'm going to come back to it again today and see how it feels. Thanks for continuing to refine for me!
9 years ago
Logo Designer

Thanks for the feedback!

Yes, the brushstroke as a concept itself, is related to Asia, but overall appearance of this font is not so much,...but if you think some other font could work better, this is very easy to change. Important thing is that design concept works, and I think this logo icon describes your work so well. This is the reason I'm not developing other ideas, but trying to refine this one as much as possible!

Don't hesitate to let me know if you have some ideas for improvement! Thank you!

9 years ago
First of all, thank you for the offer of both the centralized and horizontal layouts!

A couple more options I'd like to see.

I'm still really drawn to 105 and 106. I like the scale of the font, but is there an option, again, that doesn't look like a script font, but would possibly be on an angle or just not be quite so straight up and down?

And secondly, the feedback I'm getting on the abstract is really positive. I think it really represents the mission. I've received some feedback though suggesting that the inner circles might be a bit too thick. That it overall looks a bit heavy. What are your thoughts about tapering those inner circles a bit? Might be interesting to see them slightly thinner... and also maybe tapered on the outsides but leaving the inner "person" the size it is? Not sure if that's possible.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Let me see what I can do with these inner circles and other font options. It'll require some time, but I'll be back with updated designs within few hours!

I'm so glad you've recognized potential behind this design! Talk soon!

9 years ago
Logo Designer
...ok,'s updated design with both layouts (#142 and #143). I've totally forgot about this font and it might just be the one we're looking for, has very interesting treatment of letter "a", "e", "S", and nice curves on "g" and "y". Personaly don't like crossing on the "W", but it can be removed! What you think!?

...also, making the rings a bit lighter was good move!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
...and another option on #144, #145, that by color visually connects logo icon with text part,...might be interesting! Also, "fixed" the "W"! :D
9 years ago
Logo Designer
I see you're not thrilled about my other font option, but I did some slight modifications (#146, #147) on logo icon to make it a bit lighter and used best font option so far! If I stumble on some other interesting font, I'll make further mods! Thanks for your cooperation so far!
9 years ago
I like 146/147! And yes, I liked the original font better. Getting a lot of positive feedback!!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Glad to hear it! I'm going to see if I can make some additional tweeks, and if you feel there's place for improvement, let me know! Thank you!
9 years ago
I know I received feedback on the thickness of the inner circles... but I'm still leaning toward the original design because the colors stand out so much better. I am really appreciative of all of your efforts to give me different looks. Thank you so much!
9 years ago
Gosh, I really like both 105/106 and 146/147... tough to decide between the two!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
I have no interest in giving you half developed design, is always good to explore additional options, even if just to eliminate them!
I also think original design is the best, but there is one more tweek we can do,...just a bit larger white space betveen outer dark blue circle and three inner circles! I'll be right back with those mods!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
...and there they are! #148 and #149 would be my 1st choice, is somwhere in between your current dillema! :)
9 years ago
A very subtle change that really changed the "weight" of the design. Thank you for suggesting it. I like it!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Agree! In my book, this design looks great,...and it is probably the best design I did, since I've started on LogoTournament,...very nice addition to pro-look of my portfolio page! Thank You!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
I could probably dispute design Lilia posted, because three rings is my concept, but I don't want to waste anybody's time on disputes! If you think that concept works better for you, go with it,...but I strongly believe symbolic figure on my concept, created by those rings has far more depth in it! Thank you for your cooperation in creating this design!

9 years ago
I just wanted you to know that the design you expressed concern over is not under consideration. I am still very interested in your concept and I appreciate all of your efforts! Thank you so much.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Glad to hear it,...there are few etical rules, we designers need to follow, in order to keep the fair play within designer community!

I'm still doing my best to give you as much useful info about branding in general, as I can. Although, I'm relatively new to this design platform, I have almost 15 years of experience, when it comes to branding, and not to be modest, even couple of interviews given on the subject to different media.

At this point, having in mind your current dillema, you might pay attention to the fact, that your new logo will not be used only as color logo,...monochromatic, black, grayscale, negative space logo versions, also must work and have same impact,...logo icon as stand alone mark (w/o text part), also must be unique and recognizable. You will see how this all will be applied when you start working on marketing materials, printed materials, web applications (from social media, potential mobile applications, to simple website favicon, that needs to be recognizable without text part)''s a whole science, I'm trying to give you just basics here. Hope it helps! Cheers!

9 years ago

I have definitely thought about being able to use the abstract by itself... a definite plus for your design. And you raise a very good point about it needing to look recognizable in grayscale. I really like the concept behind the abstract design. It is something that I could talk to regarding the mission of the business, no question.

When I think about what I'm drawn to in this process, it's rawness vs. neatness. I seem to like unclean edges, angled fonts... I guess is signifies to me that life is messy and we can still find balance amidst the messiness. Many designers, including you, have used the "brushstroke" concept. And there is a subtle brushstroke in your current design. I know you gave me some options earlier with more brushstroke - but those effects, when I printed it, looked like I didn't have enough ink in my printer vs. coming across as part of the design.

I guess I'm still struggling with not wanting it to look too "neat", more free-form and less structured. I know that may sound crazy to you!

If you are open to trying to refine a bit further... I would like to move you back to #1 so we can try to further refine. Let me know if you're interested!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure thing, I'm obviously not giving up on this branding solution, because I still believe, and not subjectively, that it is best concept on this contest, with strong background story!

...and I do understand your dillema, so I'll try to offer few more font related options. My basic idea was to offer balance between rawness of the graphic, and neatness of that ribbon-like font,...that is what you see in my entry #148.

Another thing,'re making mistake, if you're using your home printer, to print out these designs, that are VERY low resolution quality,...and making your desicions based on those prints. When final logo files are delivered, they'll be in high resolution picture formats and EPS. vector format, and that is what printers will use,...I assure you, every little patch of design will be visible, and there will be no blur, or something like that.

Let me try to offer another brush like option for font!

Talk soon,

9 years ago
Logo Designer
#167, #168, #169 and #170! Here are few more options with some rare fonts from my archive! My favorite here would be #167, is not angled, but has a bit playful feel to it, it is strong, but with raw edges! Any thoughts!? Thank you!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
...and making those letters a bit more angled on #171 and #172! This is now totaly custom made font!
9 years ago

Thank you for the new options. I like the idea of 167... but don't want it to look too childish, so of the two - am leaning more toward 171/172 with it slanted. But, as a whole, am beginning to wonder if I should leave well enough alone because I still like 148/149. I'm getting some feedback from others. Your design definitely works better for the men I've asked. And everyone seems to get the concept of the design, without my explaining it, which is very valuable.
Thank you for all of your hard work!
9 years ago
Just curious, do you know what font this is? It's on the contest page for LogoTournament at the bottom where I can post a comment...
9 years ago
Logo Designer

Hard work was making the design concept for your business work perfect,...judging by the feedback you're getting about it, we did excellent job together. I usualy don't spend this amount of time explainning different angles of branding, but I strongly believe you shouldn't miss out on this design, has also already atracted quite of attention in one of my online portfolios as well.

Regarding the fonts, as I've told you before, I've tried to balance this design, by making the logo icon more raw in appearance, while keeping the font a bit cleaner. Font version on #148 was my first pick, because although it looks clean, it has that ribbon-like style, that gives it subtle dynamic, and has beautiful curves and it is well proportionally balanced!

Hope you'll recognize potential behind all this, and if I stumble on other interesting font, I'll upload new variation!

Thank you!

9 years ago
Logo Designer
Didn't get your last comment in time,...let me check,...I think I've seen it before in my archive! Do you like that style!?,...maybe I can try find something in that direction!?
9 years ago
Logo Designer
I didn't manage to find exact font, but here are some alternatives in that direction (#173, #174),...maybe too thin/weak!?
9 years ago
Thank you for looking... I agree, probably too weak.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
...while I'm still on this contest, here's italic version of the best font! (#176, #175) ...looks more dynamic!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
...I've found one interesting font (#177) , and made custom variation, with raw, brush-like edges (#178), that visualy fits well with logo icon style. We've already tryed most of the font styles, but I couldn'n resist to test this specific font and #178 might look really good! Check it out!
9 years ago
Thank you for being so patient with me on exploring other fonts. I am consistently getting feedback from everyone on the icon - they all really understand the concept which is exactly what you (and I) were going for. And everyone seems to like the original font best - the choice now is whether to go with the italic version or the original one (148/149 or 176). Can you show me the horizontal version of 176 with the italic font so I can compare that option, too?
This should be the last request... thank you again for your patience with this process!
9 years ago
Logo Designer

I've already uploaded horizontal version,'s entry #175!

As I've told you before,...we're going to explore everything,...and we did! :)
In my book, although italic font looks more dynamic, it may just be too much,...I would stay with original #148 font, is radiating calm feeling, while logo icon gives it dynamic,...that balance of contrasts is what draws people to that specific version!
9 years ago
I'd like to see one more option. I still like #148/149 the best. I would just like to see the name without the spaces: SimplyWholeHealing.

9 years ago
Logo Designer

Done! Entries #179 and #180! Looks good on vertical,...on horizontal not so much! Original version, with spacing works both ways! ...but these are really small tweeks!
9 years ago
I actually like it both ways. Thank you! Think we've got it!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Excellent! Make your final pick and I'll prepare final files as soon as possible, so we can wrap it up!
9 years ago
Logo Designer

Thanks for finishing the contest,...we did excellent job with this visual identity,...I'm very satisfied with the outcome!

I've just uploaded all final logo source files!
LogoTournament upload engine allows two kinds of files, one high res. picture file (JPEG.) and universal vector file that can be opened by any graphic design software (EPS.) - printers will use this file format. (Note: Make sure you keep EPS. file safe, and when you need to print something, just give it to printers, and they'll know what to do with it.
I've uploaded JPEG. file of selected logo, but on the layers of the EPS. file, you have total 8 variations of the logo, that might come handy during printing applications, or web use. There are both, centralized and horizontal color logo, than grayscale, monochromatic black and monochromatic white versions, of both logo layouts, total 8 variations that can be useful.

If everything is ok with the files, please click "Approve" link under My Account > My Ended contests, and handover process should be concluded.

Thank you once again, was a pleasure working with you!

Bojan Bundalo

P.S. Also, if I can provide any other services, related to your new visual identity (stationary design, social media materials design, mobile application development, website animations,...even interior design), don't hesitate to contact me through LT, or through contact page on my portfolio website (you have direct link on my profile page here).
9 years ago
So, to get the horizontal version, I need to have a printer open this for me? I thought there would be a jpeg of that too. What types of software open this file? I will need access to it for web use and I will probably be the one loading it, not a printer or web designer... Would appreciate understanding the best route to getting access to it. Thank you!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes, it seems so,...LT has this strange thing about upload,...only one file per upload and limited to JPEG and EPS!

I can replace the JPEG file with horizontal version, but you'll first need to download currently uploaded file!

I would suggest that you leave me some kind of conntact email, so I can send it to you directly, and you can come back and approve the files here. I will send you high res PNG. picture files, with transparent backgrounds (all 8 versions), so you can manipulate it yourself, without any graphic design software needed!

Let me know how you want me to do this!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
I've prepared all PNG. high res picture files, with transparent backgrounds, and added 4 more files with logo icon only, total 12 files,...just leave me your email, and I'll send it to you directly!
9 years ago
I have downloaded previously loaded files. And you can send the others to

Thank you!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Done! ...I've sent everything through email! Please confirm that you've got everything! Thanks!
9 years ago
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