I have tried uploading and enlarged version several times but the site is giving me an error so I will try again first thing in the morning. Thank you for your patience!
I gave some options in #146, #147 and #148. I didn't think introducing a 4th color would be a good idea but if you want me to explore that I can. Also what do you think of the more modern key in #149?
I will continue to work on this based on your feedback. Thanks!
#148 will be the winner for our logo contest - Thank you!!
If it's not too late to make a change, we'd like the green & pink boxes to be slightly more vibrant, the key to fit inside the boxes a little more and the green box under 'simply' to be slightly wider.
#205 is perfect In some of our marketing, we are going to use the entire logo as 1 unit and for some, like letter head, we will just use the picture. When you send the final down load, can you send the full logo in tact & just the boxes w/ key separate & just 'SIMPLY' (3 pieces total)?