Thanks for submitting. We are actually trying move away from the circle - we have that now and think that it is too limiting. I like the use of the kids.
Thank you for the feedback and rank. I've now submitted a version that has no circle, but keeps the kids in there, as you liked them. I also read that you're looking for creative designs that do not incorporate a heart, so I'll get to work on something appropriate for that approach too.
On a personal note, I deeply admire what you're doing. It is a wonderful organization. I hope this contest goes exceedingly well for you.
I have to admit: it's tough to come up with symbolism that represents checking hearts to save the lives of kids without using a heart. The closest I've been able to come to it is by using images reminiscent of helping -- an angel -- because what you do is an act of charity, an act of grace. So I've incorporated the heart, the "+" symbol to signify medical help, wings, and a halo to convey this.
I've also submitted versions without the angel symbology, because the heart and "+" medical symbol are strong on their own as well. Very brandable; very flexible.
I'll keep working on alternatives; this is what I've got for you for now. :)
Thanks for your personal note. I think that #62 is good, but figures and hearts can be used by so many organizations. I want someone to look at our logo and tag line and say Oh, Simon's Fund checks KIDS or STUDENTS hearts. What can you do to this logo to create that reaction for me?