simi valley ev free churchLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / simi valley ev free church simi valley ev free church has selected their winning logo design. For $500 they received 194 designs from 37 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by baseline_shift Return to Contest Return to Contest New #155 New #154 New #153 New #152 New #135 Discussion baseline_shift Logo Designer The v and f are conjoined to for a crucifix. The location forms the curved part of the f(This comment references Entry #135) 15 years ago simievfree Client #135 - Cool design. I really like the font you used. Could you please try a another design without the cross and just incorporate simi valley ev free chruch. Also, maybe a few different color options.Thanks,Walt 15 years ago baseline_shift Logo Designer Thank you. I will put up a few options including some in a brown like you mentioned. 15 years ago