I like this, but not all the way. The concept I would be looking for would be more like taking that bow tie shaped logo, cutting it in half, standing it up like a "v" and then lengthening it closer to the width of the frame. I really like that you put the company's mission statement on there - that's great.
Another thought about the logo part. Instead of like a "V" shape, how about something that increases in size (and changes color) from left to right, like a wave (think tsunami)?
I like both of these new ones. 25 I like because the color scheme in it is brighter, or more "brilliant." 26 I like because it's "wider" - goes nearly the whole length of the words "silvershift corporation" If you can combine those to aspects, let's see. Thanks!
Ok, we're in the home stretch. I wish I had thought about it when I opened the contest that it will end tomorrow before the start of business for me! Anyway, I like 35 of yours the best. The only thing I can maybe think of the improve it is to make the images start out smaller, so that the "growing" effect from left to right is exaggerated from where it is now. Trying that is the only improvement I can suggest.
Also, please remove the word "corporation" - I am going to go w/just "silvershift"; and put a "TM" next to the word "silvershift" to denote that it is a service mark.
Hi. Let's go back to Entry 35 (the only 1 of yours left ranked).
Please remove the word "corporation" - I am going to go w/just "silvershift"; and put a "TM" next to the word "silvershift" to denote that it is a service mark.
Hi. Thanks for all your work. I just wanted to let you know that I don't think I'm asking for any further changes to anyone's designs - I'm just now thinking about it for the days I have left until I must make a decision. I'll probably make a decision this weekend. Thanks again.