I love this. Thank you. I love the Font and the stylized S.
Can we play with the key and see designs where the key is longer and parallell to the type face below? I am not sure if it would look better, but I would love to see it.
Hi! I'm sorry for my slow reposnse. I will have some variations up by this evening for you. If you think of anything else you'd like to see, please dont hesitate to let me know :)
I like everything you've done. I love the stylized S and font for the lettering.
If you ignored tying the key to the S, is there a way that you feel you can incorporate the key next to or adjacent to the writing, but still have the logo feel 'balanced'?
Yours is my favorite so far and if I had to choose today, it might very well just be your text without any key at all.
I still like your original designs the best, No need to work too hard on this, your design will be in the next round and I'd prefer to limit the next to a very few number of people.
Can we try to make #27, with the key underlining the entire text, set back (left) slightly so that the key handle is tied at the lowest point of the S. How would that look?