Entry #101 is great! We can see ourselves branding our company with solely that image. But, can you give a bit more slant to the front face of the creature, a slightly steeper slope. And, the front hoof in the forefront should look more like the hoof in the back front (more pointed forward). We really love this one.
Oh, and I like the fur on the tip of the tail, but we'd like to see either less fur or none at all, just to see how that would look as well.
We'd like to see #101 in the gold tone as in #98 to see what looks better. It appears that you did some type of grading or shading for the gold outline in #98, that looks very cool, we'd like to see that for the greyish one in #101.
And finally, we do want to see SilvaGonsalves, Inc and the tag line coupled with this awesome lioness in #101 with the small revisions. Either have her on top of our names, incorporate part of her body to the beginning of our names, whatever looks more put together and sleek.
Silva in Gold and Gonsalves in dark grey or black with some lighting variations or not. There is a font that we really liked, that we attached to our original brief, I don't know what it is named, but maybe you can see if you can recognize it. The sample font is from a logo piece with the company named BonSecour, you can see the attached document in our brief.
Also, the tag line should be a bit darker. The line in between our names and tag line is a nice touch.
Thank you.