Great start, but we prefer a body of a lioness in motion. We prefer a female lion (no mane) and we'd like a more abstract shape to her body. We think providing an outline of her shape is best with a bit of artistic touch to it.
We'd like the font to be two different colors. preferably, Silva in gold and Gonsalves in dark grey. And, we would like a line in between our names and our tag line.
this is a great lion shape! It looks powerful and the body action says it's on a mission. It reminds us of the Merrill Lynch logo (the famous bull and it's outlined as well). We have a few requests:
1. Can you flip the lion to the right, we want it to move forward 2. We'd like the lighting effect on the lion, but can we darken the outline a bit so we see its shape better? 3. We prefer the lion's mouth closed, can we do something about that?
We really like this lion and we'd like to see if you can show us the lion's mouth closed. But, can you also show us how it would look without the lions face (except for the inner ear))? We just want to be sure that it doesn't look too fierce.
Finally, as far as the font: Yes, we like the gold on Silva & grey on Gonsalves, but the font style is too thin for those light colors, and the lighting effect on Silva makes the name hard to see. Can we use a different font that's a bit thicker, reduce the lighting effect on Silva, and perhaps change the light grey on Gonsalves and the tag line to a darker grey color or even black would be fine. And, if possible, can the "Inc" be in a shorter font than Silva Gonsalves? We want to make sure that the look of one name doesn't overpower the the look of the other name.
We appreciate your responses to our feedback. Thank you so much!
We think you should stick to this image. We really like it. We just want the overall logo (lion and our names & tagline) to look more vivid. Right now the whole image looks very light and faded. thank you!
Thank you for your modifications, we reviewed the other lioness logo and its figure and we think it's either too fierce or too nice. So, we'd like to ask you to work with #143.
Can you try to do an abstract of the lioness on #143 using minimalist lines somehow to depict the lion and we prefer to see no face than half the face, or a face that is not growling with teeth. We'd like to see the figure closer down to our names.
As far as the font, we like the thicker font, but we like to see the font that we described in our brief. We uploaded an attachment called "font styles" and the font we prefer is for the logo called BonSecour. We like the gold of the font as well, can you see if you can match that?
And, can you eliminate the white lighting effect on Silva?