Hello Brewed-Ideas,
In regards to entry #48, we do like the font of Silva Gonsalves, Inc. But we would like Silva to be in gold and Gonsalves in dark grey or gunmetal grey so that it looks more like its two distinct last names.
As far as the lioness is concerned, her action position doesn't appeal to us. Although she is in an action pose, we prefer other action poses where the hind legs don't overlap. Also, in regards to the scales of justice...we were thinking it to be subtle image of the scales (in a shadow behind the lion) or other less obvious image. There is another contestant that did not choose the scales of justice and managed to place the lioness reaching a "goal" so they are ranking higher simply because it is looking modern.
We also like a line in between our names and the tag line, it shows more definition in the logo. And finally, we are into glossy effects and shadows based on submissions.
If you can try a different body of the lioness in a running position and incorporate her reaching a better positions (a goal), then we'd like to see that.
Thank you for your submissions!!!