Silicon Valley LinkLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Silicon Valley Link

Silicon Valley Link has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 185 designs from 28 different designers from around the world.












































Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


FlatWorld, many, many thank yous for trying something fairly different in #23 and #24!

For any logo, I think mutlicolored words look best, with a bolder font. I also prefer the words in horizontal alignment, and would like to see some ideas around that.

In #23 specifically, in the "box" or diamond, can you remove the hard edges/borders between the colors?

In #24 I think the map is too busy, but I like the idea of "uniting the world" is there something you can try that is cleaner, crisper, and no SVL in it?

11 years ago
FlatWorld, thanks again. Specific to #28, can you correct spelling? Silicon ;-) And can I see some variations of that correction in bolder colors, deeper hues, as well as deeper colors with gradient pattern? Thanks!

Re #29 and 30, I realize I am not liking the S V and L enclosed in something
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry, I'll fix the spelling mistake and try new colors!
11 years ago
#32 is getting a bit better!

However, it seems the diamond shape is now quite rounded. I didn't want that. What I was asking for are the lines between the colors to be removed so there is NO border between the colors.

For the word logo, a few things: as I have said, I prefer the words horizontal. Also, the colors do not seem to have the same depth of color, with the green seeming to have a much lower saturation
11 years ago
I'm thinking about #28 and #37 now. A few comments.

I do not want to see the letters below each other, can you get rid of the transparency?

Can you try a version where the letters touch, but do not overlap?

Can you try #28 in a deeper saturation of orange, violet and green, but not so that orange becomes red?

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for feedback, I will get those changes ASAP which might be tomorrow but will do.
11 years ago
Thank you for #64, can you try it also in my original colors? thanks
11 years ago
Thank you, I'd really like to see #65 with a horizontal name, thanks!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
You could use #65 and #88 both ways depending on use you want. Also I cloned your website colors for #89.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Withdrew the entry with the letters overlapping because another designer is having a problem with it, claiming the overlapping letters as his unique concept. I'll try another arrangement.
11 years ago
Please put your overlapping logo back up, nobody has ANYTHING like it, and that was in my very top of choices.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Entry #14 thinks his is original and that mine is too close. He is being okay about it but asking other designers if it is close enough to launch a logo court. Some of them agree that it is too close but I will put it back in and we will see what happens.
11 years ago
Thank you, I support you. Who is the other designer? He/she is messing with my contest, not just your entry. I have held logo contests before for other companies, and I know when someone is taking the design of another.

By the way, I appreciate your dedication to being ethical.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Nobody asked me to withdraw but it was being discussed in the design forums and a few others were encouraging a logo court. I removed to stop that from being a possible conflict. I didn't really think mine was like his but I saw that there could be a conflict.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks! Really, the other designer was just asking for opinions but some of the opinions were that mine was too close. You are the boss, though!
11 years ago
Thanks, I'm not trying to be the boss... :-)

However, while I see the "similarity" it's the kind of basic part of the concept that easily two or more people could have done.

I believe I know how started the complaint, and that logo was very low on my list of favorites. Removing yours wouldn't bring his up.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
But you are the boss, LOL! Your money, your contest ( : I did put it back in but I don't think the entry in question was the one you liked best anyway.
11 years ago
Thank you. Boss or not boss, I strive to be fair. You guys work hard. I see plenty of logos that riff off another, and I make my best judgement. If someone is better, they are better. If someone follows the brief, or my follow on ideas, that's better, too ;-)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Alll of us really appreciate contest holders who try to be fair and who understand how this whole thing works, thanks!
11 years ago
I understand very well, thanks ;-) I also think it's unfair for a designer to call "copycat" unless it's totally obvious, and unfair even more if they don't work to improve their design or interact with me to say they think there is an issue
11 years ago
Logo Designer
They brought it up in the forums and didn't interact with me either. Those things can often be resolved if people talk.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Thought we had it worked out, but Kotaka started a logo court case and I had to remove my entry or I will be unable to submit to any contest.
11 years ago
FlatWorld, thank you, again, for your integrity, I'm not sure what Kotaka thinks they have to gain, as all their logos are out of the running. I am filling a complaint with logotournament in the meanwhile
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Too bad that happened, seems he was being encouraged by yet another designer to to logo court and maybe that if I let it go on they would rally the votes to throw me out altogether. I don't know but it happens sometimes.
11 years ago
Would you be willing to say who that other one is?

Thanks again for your integrity
11 years ago
Logo Designer
I honestly don't know who the other designer might be! He never said who it was who pointed out the similarities of the design, and I don't know if I would have won or lost with a community vote. But I might have lost and then would not have been able to reenter the contest at all. Not a perfect process even though the purpose of it is to make things fair for designers who intentionally copy others.
11 years ago
I appreciate your point of view. Yes, a process that is there to protect can always be turned around to hurt. What an experience FOR ME!!!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
It's true. and I think LT is working on it to keep it from being less disruptive for the CH, but it's a long process. Sometimes it's just disruptive because the LCs might even be between designs the CH isn't that keen about.
11 years ago
I like #148, but I'd like to see a bit more. For the written part, I'd like to see it in a darker saturation, maybe other colors and fonts, to "pop" more. #104 is a good reference, but please feel free to play away.

I'd love your thoughts on what, as a designer, you think about the two styles of logo, an icon v SVL.
11 years ago
Sorry one more thought on #148...could you show something in the icon so that the segments have an arrow end, or something else showing motion and direction?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure, I can do that. In #88 the colors are L shapes (for link) but that is not as apparent in #148. I can use any font weight you want. Colors are easy to adjust no problem there.
11 years ago
Can you make it so the arrows are not overlapping in the newest logo? so, with a bit of a gap?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure, see #151
11 years ago
Sorry, in #151 the arrows still gap ;-)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Oh, I think I misunderstood You want them totally separate, no problem.
11 years ago
Hi FlatWorld, I'd love to hear what you personally like and feel about logos #1-3

I'd also really love to see an SVL block logo from you
11 years ago
Sorry, to be specific, an SVL block logo a bit more "unusual" and different from what we have now, so a riff on #104
11 years ago
Logo Designer
I will see what I can do when I'm able to get to my desktop, have to take care of some medical stuff this afternoon!
11 years ago
Good luck with the medical stuff! Thanks for everything!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks, I'm working on getting more to you today!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry to take so long to get back to you! I think of the ones you have ranked now I like #152 best for the motion and the shapes that give the feel of a link. #88 is a little different because of the L shapes which make it less symmetrical but show the Ls linking. Either one works pretty well. That's just my opinion but I think those two options might have a little more symbolism than #148.
11 years ago
FlatWorld, sorry for the delay...on #1 and 2, I'm just not rocking the fonts ;-) it's a combination of them being a bit thin, pale, not colorful and maybe a bit....traditional? I would love some ideas on that...
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#152 is the same font but bolder. I can make it as colorful or as plain as you like. If it's just the font you don't like maybe you can give me an example of something in another one of my designs in my portfolio that you do like and I can use that one, Take a look and give me an example of a font you find pleasing and I will substitute it. Thanks!
11 years ago
Bolder will help ;-) I am afraid I am no design or font expert, so appreciate your guidance. As for color, same thought. Is it the same color of the purple in the icon?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Purples are the same in font and icon. #173 has new font, see how you like.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#174 another bolder font
11 years ago
What do you think is going to print and otherwise look better, the font in 1 or 2? Do you like the increased scale of the icon better in 1 and 2?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
I like the increased scale a little better, and I think the bolder font will probably have more impact.
11 years ago
I'm torn between 148 and 178 (!! wow) although I think the curve is not my fave. Any thoughts on why you chose that? On fonts, I am now totally torn between 173 and 148. Thoughts?

Another thought going through my head is how usable are any of these, when stacked? ie, how will it fit on a business card, or across a webpage? I'm wondering if this will read better left to right (icon then text)...

You have been quite wonderful in this process, and I know I am asking a lot, but I hope it's clear you're going to be the winner. You really, truly are great.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Sometimes I just do variations on concepts, like curves to see if contest holder likes it, but no other reason than that. The best way to use it stacked is as it's shown in #36 and you can use it both ways. The icon in #148 looks a little cleaner to me, and printers like it better when colors don't touch -- for what it's worth!
11 years ago
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