Color Preferences
To see: light green, grey, black, white.
Not to see: red, orange, blue.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Would be nice to have a rounded shape logo (not necessarily). like the FreeBSD logo, the Apple logo, Google Chrome logo... etc... trying to avoid MS Windows square shaped pictomarks like the four-colored window and the old office logo...
In order to clarify, siglocero (siglo -> century, cero -> zero in spanish) The S and C could be included in the logo.
Our color scheme for green #c4c800 (also #d7e400) grey #666666.
We would like to see our font Geometric family (415 Medium BT) we have tons of banners, brochures, personalized folders, and invoices stacks. we're not pursuing a complete brand makeover, just an iso-logo.
We are enjoying the more traditional 2d (without perspective) kind of logos, we are planning a lot of promotional paraphernalia such as screen-printing mugs and t-shirts but more importantly etched glass vinyl decals for our offices and vehicles (our own... or at least mine!!!) we believe that a more 2d shape would draw a better punch into those mediums (I think).