Let me see what it looks like to continue the filmstrip to wave downward, through and behind the company name and coming to rest at the end of the word SERVICES Create or fashion an uncommon looking "&". Not sure what font or style, just something larger and with more slant than the words SIGHT and SOUND. Make the text bolder, more like Entry #121
Entry # 137 I really like your TV also. Can you find a way to place the TV symbol in such a way that it connects to the end of the strip. This will possibly require a replacement location and/or size of the words SIGHT, SOUND. This indicates the movie making process from the original camera acquisition to the viewer. (camera to TV) In either instance I need the text font and size to be as bold as possible, fat letters.
Entry 142 Keep everything the same, except a few different looking ampersand the "&' Make a larger, wider one. Make a more curly one, make a more upright, a few additional choices with the "&" I kind of like the "&" with entry #141 I also like the filmstrip being more behind the words, again as in #141.
* NO CLIPART (ISTOCKPHOTO, SHUTTERSTOCK, ETC.) EVEN IF YOU OWN THE RIGHTS. * NO TRACING OR VECTORIZATION OF EXISTING CLIPART OR PHOTOGRAPHY (UNLESS YOU TOOK THE PICTURE) * 350x280 pixels or (width/height ratio of 1.25:1) in JPG, PNG, or GIF format * Only one variation per upload (example: if you want to show a logo in red, blue, and yellow. You would create and upload 3 separate files) * No designer firm watermarks * Neatly centered both horizontally and vertically with spacing all around. (No ugly oversized logos that hit the edges, negative space is a designer's friend!) * No Borders - we are building a clean and consistent community portfolio. * Your work must be created in a vector program such as Adobe Illustrator, and the final files MUST be delivered in .EPS format. Photoshop is not for logos and.
Admins & Mods will remove entries without notice for not following the above submission rules. ----------------------------------------
It appears that either the filmstrip or camera/tripod is in violation by using stock imagery. Can you modify the filmstrip enough to call it your own? The camera on the tripod can be adjusted as well. I'd like to stick with this design if it can be altered to meet the submission rules.
Entry 174 It looks like you may have altered the filmstrip, maybe now it's not a copyright issue. However it needs to be more prominent. Wider with the sproket edges. Also larger and through the comapny name, similar to Entry #140 Also give me a few choices of different looking ampersand. One with the TV and one without the TV.
Entry 178 This could be a finished project. I'm curious more than actually wanting a change. What does it look like if we extend the word SERVICES across the width of the words SIGHT & SOUND or from about the I in sight and n in the word sound. Either under the word SERVICES or on the side of the word SERVICES add an audio wave. I'm not sure how an audio wave may appear, kind of a squiggly line. This may make it to buzy or it may take away from the filmstrip. A person may be confused by an audio wave, not realizing its connection to sound. You may be able to connect an audio wave line to the "S" at the beginning and ending of the word SERVICES. The audio wave lines probably in black.
i apologize, I'm making you put a lot of effort into this.
Thanks Arbizu, I think we've got it here with submission #180 and #181. I like the audio wave you've added. Without changing the design at all I'd like to see the audio waves in a black instead of gray. With entry #181 you have a second smaller wave, maybe it would look good to leave it as is, only black with the larger more prominent wave.