Thanks biink! The #8 is good, but perhaps a bit too common. Also perhaps too sporty I think. And I'm not sure of the arrows - feels perhaps a bit too obvious. Like that you used some strong colors! The over-all feeling is good. You are obviously a talented designer.
Focus on finding a good logo symbol. Doing too much with the text logo will make it hard to translate.
I love what you did for 5th Dimension Concepts, Inc. & Gnomish Systems
Thanks for the update. #33 I liked the logo font ans softness better in #8 but tge symbol in #33 is a bit better .I liked the transparency and the 3d-feeling in #8. I would not mind some 3D-stuff and the use of gradients / transparency.
Thanks for the update. #56: The text logo feels modern in style, and I like the idea of something like a black square turning into a pink circle.
I would probably go for a more reduced transformation - and keeping to one color scale. For example starting with grey. ...and something less strict - perhaps more free-form, sweeping, curling. Something illustrating movement.. It would be easy in an amination, harder to do in a logo...
For example in #56 each shape is an exact step. With fewer states, perhaps just two, the first one could be partly transformed, like different roundness of the corner. Or something - I know what I mean when I see it ;)
Perhaps like a teleporter - bits flying from one shape to another?
And don't be afraid of doing something futuristic and flirt a bit with the sci-fi genre. For me, you had that feeling in the 5th Dimension Concepts-logo. Clean white, 3D and strict cold colors. I'm not saying this should be like that one, just that I liked it!
Just a thought... Perhaps it would be possible to communicate the shift by having - just an example - four grey rocks in a line, among them, a diamond is placed, with a flare or glow showing that it just been transformed (perhaps with rock residues around it, like when an egg is hatched). Or a wand transforming it. Or just the diamond with roch residues. Not easy this... A logo should be reduced and clean, and what I describe here is far to complex... Just wanted to give you some concept inspiration.
spent some time thinking and sketching and here is my latest. Its meant to be a representation of a thought being nurtured and emerging from a sort of abstract cocoon. Its in a 3D style.
Hi! This is a very nice update! #92 It's very abstract - but I do not mind that at all. I think the circle could have less gradients etc - make the logo symbol "plain". It's defentily interesting in shape and composition. Make you think a bit about what it is...
I will "feel" the logo for a bit - just got my internet connetction back.
Great, glad i am on the right track. My thoughts about this logo stemmed from your own comments. Trying to meld the concept of a think tank with the idea fo shifting/morphing/growing and give it a fantasy feel.
#113 Interesting new suggestion, but I liked the #93 better :) The new one is a bit more plain and comming, does not stand out as much. But thanks for the update!
#113 Interesting new suggestion, but I liked the #93 better :) The new one is a bit more plain and comming, does not stand out as much. But thanks for the update!
#93 perhaps some color variations? For example with white background and variations in the shape? People that I ask finds the logo interesting - so it got something. Many loves the text logo. Possible to see it as grey on black background? Other colors for the symbol? Perhaps several?
#93 If you have the time - remove all "dropshadows" and make it plain 2D. Remove mirror-effect. Make logo dark grey an put it on white background. Easer to see how it would work on plain white paper. I still like this one a lot. When I show it to different people - the either love it, or don't like it at all (because the do not understand it). But that's what I like - the fact that is is unique and abstract.