I like the elements of #4, but am not sure about the space between Shelter and Bound with the road. Would it be possible to rework this so that the lettering is on the left, the paw is on the right and the road is leading to the paw underneath the lettering? Also, if its possible to add an element to depict this is a medical (veterinary) service-that would be great! Thank you!
Hello, Thanks for your revisions. I really like #3, but worry the medical symbol in the middle of #33 makes it more difficult to read. Would there be anyway to incorporate a stethoscope within design #3? Thanks in advance.
I really like the stethoscope element on #34, could it be draped around the logo in anyway-similar to the way it would be draped around the neck? Or maybe wrapped around like it is "hugging" the graphic? Thanks!!
How about this one? #42, #43. I think that if we wrap the stethoscope around the graphics, it will be really difficult to do it in a clear way, but I'll try
Thanks! In # 31...can we try to make the road into a stethoscope (but still keep the road feel). On the left would be the ear pieces of the stethoscope, then the middle piece of the stethoscope would be the "road" and then the end (or bell) of the stethoscope would be the paw icon. The paw piece will probably have to be a little smaller to make it proportionate, but that is ok with me. What do you think?
I'm not sure if I understand. The colors I used are the colors you asked for. I wanted to use them in a balanced way hence the dark/light blue differentiation in the company name. In the icon, there is dark blue in the center which works well with the word "shelter", colors around are simply creative additions, but if you want me to emphasize certain parts of the logo with different colors, please let me know. As for the font - this was my personal choice based on what you described in the brief - something a bit sporty, yet simple - I think this one works perfectly. It is very modern.
Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. For example, if I take this logo to a have t-shirts made, will they be able to find these colors/fonts readily available? I really like the blues and the font. I am curious to see what a different shade of green might look like-I am thinking a bit brighter. Thanks in advance.
I don't see any problems with the colors I used. They're all CMYK colors (printable ones). If you want very specific exact colors to be used, like PANTONE colors, you'd just need to give me their numbers. You can check them at any local printer. Otherwise, the final version version of the logo will be easy to use on any printing materials.