After looking at the color of scrubs, which are a light Khaki, we will be using; we have decied that yellow may not show well on them. Maybe a chocolate or another contrasting color that will match the red you have used, would look better. We really like you designs!! Thank you!!
Hello!! Regards to Entry #17, we really like the the idea of the black "S" and "C" as well as the black "Shawnee Animal Clinic" at the bottom. The red portion of the design is a nice contrast, however, could we see a design exactly like this but without the beige/khaki portion? If it isn't too much trouble could we see the entire background as khaki instead of white, it would really help us to get an idea of what it will look like on a khaki scrub? Thank you!!
No problem. I used the standard khaki color for the background. Let me know if the background is too dark or too light. Also, if you have a specific rgb/hex value you want me to try for the backgorund let me know. Also, just so you know, the original entry (#8) has a slightly thicker red heart shape (since there was no interior heart element). Thanks
Congratulations on your win!! We are very pleased with the design's that we recieved. Thank you for sharing your design with us and Good Luck on future contests.