Thanks for your logos ! We appreciate your first idea and would be pleased to see more, if you have new suggestions, please submit them. We are really insisting on: - Messages through the logo (Microsoft, mobility and High Tech) - Smooth 3D effect (play with shades and/or colors) and shine
Thanks for your updates. Could you try two new entries: - one with only a S in the illustration by just removing the two bars that make a ring. - one with less depth in the 3D, try to play with shine and shades to provide the 3rd dimension. Examples #78, #70.
I honestly really like your #100 but I know that my partner prefers more flat design with 3D effect by playing with shades and lights, if you see what I mean. That's the reason why I try to get multiple updates from you.
Another idea that comes in my mind, you could try to use a nice green color (example: #70) to remind Microsoft in viewers' mind. Some ideas: - The grey is not necessary so it could be replaced partially or completely by green. - The 3 "network" bars (in the center of the illustration) can have gradient effect with green - etc. Any idea that you think of !
Nice ones! I personally really like your entry #108, selected green makes the logo better. May I suggest you to make 2 enhancements? - Try a smooth transition in both blue "half S". Here, there is a kind of vertical line that cut the light a dark blue. This is interesting and I would like to keep it for the final phase but I would be interested to have another logo with a smooth transition, with same effects ! - Try a second logo by removing the 2 small rounded bars which are located at both horizontal ends of the logo (giving the impression that the logo is a circle.)
Thanks in advance and thank you for the great job done !
We have discussed a lot with my partner and we are proud to announce that you will be the winner of our contest ! Congrat' !
Before the final step, we would like to ask you to submit the final logo (base logo = #100). Here are the requested changes: - Keep the 3D effect as in #100 (consider the #100 as your new base) - Remove the 2 rounded vertical bars as in #111 - Set the bottom part of the S in blue. Take the same color and effect than the top half S - Change the color of the 3 "network like" bars, in the center of the logo, into the same grey than one used for the bottom Half S in #100. It will look like #111, #108, #109, etc. in terms of colors - Regarding the font of the company name, use "Segoe UI", in normal case ("S" in uppercase, "harp" in lowercase and IT in uppercase): "Sharp-IT". Good example #89 - Make an overlap with the "-" and the "IT". Look at #70 - Put the slogan on the right of the company name, like #70 and add a thin vertical line between the company name and the slogan
At the same time, could you please submit another logo with all the same criteria except the 3 network like bars in green?
Thanks for considering my design I really appreciated it.
Here's my update #114,#115 base on your request. However I can't submit with the overlap "-" in IT, it seems that it belongs to other designer idea and cannot copy that, there is a rule if a Designer was the first to submit the idea, they essentially own that concept or idea for the remainder of the contest I hope you understand.
Thank you so much for your quick update ! I maybe make you confused about 1 point, could you update entries #144 and #115 by keeping the same blue gradient color that you did in #100? Except that, it is perfect ! Regarding the overlap, I understand, no problem.