Thanks for your entry! I quite like the concept on #89. Futuristic. I would probably ask you to use a brighter color... something needs tweaking, can't figure it out. But as a concept, it's definitely on the right track! #88 is also not bad.
thanks for the compliment and the feedback and direction. All greatly appreciated. (and especially knowing when something doesn't quite work is sometimes the most valuable feedback, keeps one from going in circles sometimes, so if anything more comes to you re: that, please feel free to let me know.).
Awesome. Here are some ideas: you can try #89 or #90 with a brighter colour like #3 or similar. You can try a different font for 2100, maybe thicker? Also 2100 in gray may work better. Thanks C!
thanks! I am going to be away for a bit (just an fyi so it doesn't seem like i am ignoring you or your message), but will get started on those variaitons when i get back.
Thanks for the update C. I like 98 the best. I was just wondering, it reminds me of a famous logo but not sure what it is --- perhaps from a TV show? I just want to make sure I am not going to have copyright issues.
caught your message before i took off. I don't know of any logo like it. Just did a quick search on science fiction movie logos on google to see if i saw anything and 2001 and star trek. Not sure of any other way to check it.
Also, think i have a few other ideas as well to work on, but will work on those suggested changes first when i get back.
C, I'm looking at your logo with friends. I like the logo but reminds us of Firefox... I'm deciding of yours and my ranked #2. I liked ranked 2 because I like the font choice and how it is gray -- I need it to be corporate. But I like yours because the symbol is a little more unique. Do you happen to have a corporate font and can you make the text gray/more corporate and less look like Fireforx (perhaps switch up the color scheme to what I ranked #2 and #3?)....
You don't have to, but this is what I'm thinking when evaluating yours and the other top ranked ones...
Okay. I did an adjustment on that one (173 and 174) And threw up a couple that i know the colors aren't right for you, but wondered if the concepts themselves were interesting and if so, i could work on honing them to your colors and probably stronger type? on a couple. I have to leave for a bit, but when i get back I will see if anything new pops up.
one more thing while i am gone. I you have any druthers regarding colors you might like to see on the one that is currently in first especially, feel free to let me know.
ps: just a note, i didn't go a pure yellow (there is just a touch of orange in the dark end of the gradient) since the pure yellow didn't quite go and didn't hold quite enough "weight/contrast".