The designs you did for hospitality sales group, dnr media & shiny objects were the nicest ones I've seen in your profile. This one's not quite to your usual standard but it would be great if you could work something up for me.
I like the 3d objects in entries 15 & 16 but the text underneath looks a bit plain and they dominate the logo a bit too much (bit too big maybe).
17 looks really good but again I think it may need something to make the text stand out a little more. Can you make the shadow look subtely like a simple house forming perhaps (as if from the blocks above)?
Perhaps no#15 & no#11 but with 'Investment & Development' as the strap line beneath them.
The more I look at #11 the more I like it in fact. Simple, good balance and the S&C combined as if in a partnership and the house could equally be an arrow so it doesn't tie us too much too residential.
I'll show this one to the others involved and come back to you with any more comments.
I still really like #64. Do you think you could make it subtly web 2.0? It may be best as it is but I'm just interested to see if it looks even better that way if possible.