i like the hands, but if you can make the pinky smaller and the thumb slightly different, the hands might appear more realistic.All the fingers look to similar at this point.
I think the versions with hash marks (# #) to show movement is too busy, but creative none the less.
I like 106, but think the "L" in Like is covered up just a little too much. And would be interesting to see what this version would look like with the thumb coming over the exclamation mark similar to #108.
I'd like to hear your opinion on which versions you like best. I like the new hand. I notice only 4 fingers but think it works better than the first hand version.
Thank for the feedback. the reason why I use 4 fingers only because I thought it will looks bit busy if I use 5 fingers. That said, I will working on the 5 fingers version and show it to you. In my opinion, the use of the hand shaking the letters really worked well to your company name so the audience will know the message at first glance since shake has many different meaning such as shake hand, shake (in dancing), shake drink, etc
Please tell me which 2 versions in full color you like the best. I want to know which "hands" you think look the best and which type looks best "Stacked vs. not stacked" as well. If you had to choose 2 to select from if this was your company, which would they be?
well, if you asked me then I will choose #106. The reason is because the 4 fingers is not too busy and already identified as hands. It doesn't have to show the realistic hands with the 5 fingers because the theme of this logo is fun playful. The second choice goes to #110 with the thumb covered the letter a bit. This makes the hands looks like grabbing more the letters and shake it.
As for stacked vs non stacked, I prefer non stacked because the size of the letters are equal so it makes the logo became more easier to read rather than the stacked version. But these are just my opinions as consideration for you.
I will working on #106 with modified letter L just like #106, and modified the hands of #106 with 4 fingers then let see how it looks. Stay tuned!
Let me hear what your thoughts. If you would like to see any other changes or maybe using another colors, just feel free to ask. In the meantime, I will keep improving the logo with more variations for you
I like #114 with less shadowing. Can you show this to me in one color version so I can see how well it translates to 1 color design? can I also see #114 with 4 finger design similar to #116 please.
one more thing... please move the shake marks "))" on version #114 so they are not touching the letters "k" and "T". Same placement is fine, just move them away from touching the letters.
George, I'm terribly sorry. I think I have to go now, I have to take my family go out for some reason. So if you don't mind, you can still keep giving me the feedback to refining the logo while I'm leaving. Once I get back, I will working on the revisions and send them to you. But if you feel that this is it, I'm very happy with that. As I said before, we can still revise the logo although the contest has ended and I'm welcome to do any revisions until it's perfect. No worries, I'm still need your approval for the final logo. Without your approval, the prize won't be released. You can count on me, george :-)
I can't think of any other changes it needs, however if you have any last minute suggestions or final improvements you think of, I'm open to seeing them.
I'm not sure if this is possible, but if you can give me a single color version of the winning entry in addition to the full color, that would be wonderful.