Hi. Thank you very much for your message inviting me to submit a design! I am showing an more abstract version of the bird of paradise, to make it modern and unique. The graphic element would make a nice watermark or background image, and it works well in black/white as needed. I appreciate in advance any comments or feedback!
Wow...that was super fast. It's beautiful! I love it! I think you've captured an appropriate degree of sophistication while still keeping the design simple and clean. The logo also feels very natural....which is very important to me....so that's terrific.
I love the colors that were selected and the combination that you used...the aqua-blue you chose in particular is amazing---very unique I think. I also love the darker/earth tone color for the words SHAKA YOGA as I think it feels very strong (but natural). My only comment would be to brighten the flower colors up just a tad to convey a bit more "vibrancy." I'm not sure if you need to brighten up all of the colors to achieve an overall more vibrant feel, or just some of them....I leave that to your discretion.
Also, just for discussion purposes...what do you think about putting the flower and the words on the same line....did you try that? How did it look? I really like it on the top left like it is, I think the position is interesting....I am just curious about how it might look if the flower and the two copy lines made more of a line together and then the flower sort of blooms out and over the words.
Lastly, I love the font choice and really wouldn't change a thing...but I do have a question...your logo seems small when compared to the other submissions....is there are reason for this? Do you think readability is a concern due to the weight of the font or not?
Hey Bethany! Thanks for the quick response. I was just about to submit another design, and then I read your comments. I'll go ahead and submit this one so you can compare. I love this type of project, so I'll continue to work on it with your suggestions in mind until it's perfect! As far as the logo being small, that's not an issue at all. You can have it at any size you want, once you get the final files, it will scale as large as you like, or as small as you want without an issue. I'll be working on this tonight and tomorrow, your comments are welcome and very helpful! Thanks, Janis
I'm playing around with the graphic element, I want to get it just right. Also, want to make sure it works well in black and white, which is important in a logo!
These are great, thank you so much! I like them all and am having a hard time deciding between them. For now, I think I continue to really like the first one you submitted...I'd love to see that design with the colors brightened up a bit--you could even keep the colors the same just add in a touch of brightness. I tend to like the aqua-blue that you chose, as well as oranges, greens/grass, the deeper purple you are using is also good, etc. I don't really like magenta--just as an FYI. I love the SHAKA YOGA font in the Brown/earthy color as I feel it adds a lot of substance.
As you work with the flower graphic, perhaps you could try one that has fewer leaves so that it looks a bit more like a true bird of paradise---in the pictures I've looked at it seems to have one main L shaped stem/petal and then some pointy color petals flowing out from it. One individual (NM Design) just submitted a design with a nice looking bird of paradise...it's probably more literal than I would want you to go based on your style, but just for reference I thought I'd point it out.
Again, thank you so much! I'm really happy with these designs!
I've been working on the color and balance of the design, entry #54 is my favorite so far, let me know your thoughts! Going to bed, but will be working on this tomorrow~ good night~
I love the new flower graphic on the one that I've ranked #1! I would really love to see some oranges, perhaps even oranges/reds, within the flower design. I like the energy that those colors convey and because my yoga is hot...it makes sense. Perhaps placing "Hot Power Vinyasa" in an orange color would spic it up just a bit. I would like to keep your aqua-blue in there though so please don't lose that. Logo #46 actually has some beautiful oranges, reds, greens in the flower design--for your references. Thanks for your all your work!!
#61 I've added one more leaf in orange in the middle of the two darker reddish oranges. I will be working on this project today, exploring other font styles. I can also submit another design with a more accurate representation of the bird of paradise as opposed to my abstract one now if you are interested. Thank you again for all of your feedback!
LOVE the new colors! Just so I know...are you feeling like you can't get the orange in on the design without adding an additional petal? I really like the five petal design....but understand if you think you need to add in another orange petal for balance. I think maybe I would just want to see the five petal design with one of the red petals turned orange----if you think that looks nice. Thank you!
#61, Can you please take the five petal flower design with the orange (like on entry #65) and place it on this design. Please leave the SHAKA YOGA font and color as is and Hot Power Vinyasa font and color as is. Thank you so much!
#67 and #65, right now, these are my two favorite options, but I have a couple of requests:
Create set 1 Keep everything as is, but show "Hot Power Vinyasa" in each of the colors of the flower. I would like to evaluate readability depending on which color is used. You've done it in orange and blue, so I would need to see green and red.
Create set 2 Take the four color versions and add a little bit of weight to the SHAKA YOGA and HOT POWER VINYASA font. I love the font style and would like to keep it as is, but right now it feels a tad bit light or hard to see. I'm wondering if increased weight will help.
#112 and #113 tagline with red, then green respectively. I am working on adding additional weight to the fonts. Those particular fonts do not come any heavier so I am searching through other fonts to find bolder ones as close to these as possible!
Oh OK! I'm pretty happy withe flower graphic in #112, but if you need to explore some with weightier fonts, that's cool! I prefer #117 over #118 just as an FYI. But, I still like #112 the best. Thx!
#128, very pretty, I like it a lot! I'm thinking about it....
I'm starting to feel bad with all these requests, but if you could work with me a little bit more I'd love to see the colors in #127 brightened up just a tad....but still keeping their natural feeling. Out of all the designs, this logo communicates more of what I originally wanted to say for my "brand" and captures natural beauty perfectly --I'm just looking for a LITTLE bit more vibrancy in the coloring.
Please don't feel bad, this is what I love to do! And, you have so many beautiful designs to choose from, I know it's difficult! I can certainly work on getting more vibrancy in the coloring, will work on that now and submit shortly~ Thanks again for commenting!
I've been working on tweaking the colors just a bit. Also, when you look at the color with darker lettering the contrast brings the colors out a bit more. Also, showing the design in black/white, which will be important for some uses, as well as a darker background. I will continue to work on the colors, would love to get them just right for you!
#157, #159, #160 exploring adding another color in place of the two blues, slightly changing one leafs direction. I'm still ready to make any changes, etc., that you may want to see for comparison. Thanks!