Hi Bethany, here is my submission for your contest #91 and one with upper case #92 Logo is inspired with Bird of Paradise flower and at the same time, represents human in yoga pose. Colors can be adjusted at any time. If you have any suggestion, I would be happy to hear.
#92, thanks for your design! I think it's very beautiful. I was wondering if you could show a few color options. Perhaps brighten the designs up just a bit...or mix earth tones with brighter tones. But, please keep the "natural" feeling that you currently have. I actually like the ones you've shown in your first design and am just wondering how some others might look.
Note that I like the image on both the left and the right...if you could show the color selections both ways that would be great.
Also, when you show the color options can you please see if the words SHAKA YOGA and HOT POWER VINYASA can work in something other than black?
Thanks so much for your work! I really appreciate it.
Thank you Bethany for very helpful feedback! Here are two variations with requested changes #114 #115 and one with the graphic on opposite side with more brownish tones#116