Thanks so much for your designs and all the variety. I actually like the "firey" ones---they're very cool! I feel like it's a little risky though in that people tend to assume things like it will be tooooo hot. I THINK I'm going to stick with the designs that are a little bit more on brand for me, but wanted to let you know that I appreciate your work. I will have some other contests at some point and hope you will join in. Please don't delete your designs though as I'm still assessing.
#103, Could you please look at using a different color in the middle of the circle. Perhaps something a little brighter to add a sense of "vibrancy" to the design. I really love the font and the elegance of the shape...would just like to see some additional color options. Thanks so much!
LOVE IT! Love the colors and love the fonts. I'm torn between this one and another one. I'm going to sleep on it!
If you have the time, I'd love to see #120, keeping same colors, just make the orange a little less red---maybe a little brighter/happier rather that so "hot."
#122, #121--Beautiful! Can you make one of these versions without the orange fade within the circle? Right now, both versions have the fade and I'm choosing between the two.
Also, if you wouldn't mind creating two new versions without the orange fade that show HOT POWER VINYASA as blue and then as green....that would be nice to see. I know you probably like the orange for balance....but just so I know how it looks I'd love to see it.
#130, one last thing...could you please change the font color of HOT POWER VINYASA to orange. I'd like to have the new bright version, with no gradient, with the descriptor in orange.
#129, hello! I love this design!!! My only hesitation with it is that it is a bit more modern than I envisioned for my brand. I was wondering if you see any way to make it just a tiny more classic and a tiny bit more natural. I really love it and wouldn't want to see it change too much, but am wondering if a slight adjustment might do the trick. I also think the colors are great. Please submit if you can! Thx!!
Please don't be sorry. You are the final judge. Kindly feel free to suggest anything for the designs. I will submit new versions withing half an hour. If you want any particular font please let me know.