I like these logo's but I think the Sew on entry 6 & 7 gets a little lost. I also hesitate with needle as a logo because everyone who is in a similar business uses one.
I am looking for something very modern, hip, artsy, I am not a typical sewing studio. I encourage creativity and uniqueness and want to show that with my logo.
Hello Crafty, I have not seen any changes yet. I was hoping you could change the color of Sew (lighter color) and we work from there. I also like to see what other idea's you may have. I like modern mannequin maybe colored in with zebra patterns, or something unique like that.
Back ground much to dark and could you lighten up the "Sew" portion try maybe a lighter shade of what you have. As for the scissors, and the tread ball, not really what I am looking for. I like to see a modern looking manniniuen idea, maybe filled in with zebra print or something like that.
Back ground much to dark and could you lighten up the "Sew" portion try maybe a lighter shade of what you have. As for the scissors, and the tread ball, not really what I am looking for. I like to see a modern looking manniniuen idea, maybe filled in with zebra print or something like that.
I do like the mannequin, it's a little big compared to the words. Can we enlarge and change the "font" (I like the font on 41) on "Sew" and make the mannequin a little smaller? On entry 41, can we place the mannequin to the side?
Hello (68) Can you change the set up to look just like entry 69, except keep the font the same size as it is now. I like to see the "sew trendy" stacked. I also just like to see a few option for a different back ground,maybe fuchsia and have the mannequin colors to black/white/fuchsia. On entry 69 can you make the font a little bit smaller, like the size on entry 68. Thank you
Hello Can I see entry 68 with the same font layout as 72?
The background color in 77 is to bright, can we darken this up (like in entry 24), I do like the dark color mannequin, but if we change the background to a darker color you will probably need to change the mannequin to white to stand out. When you change the color in 77 can you also change the colors on the mannequin, I like the way you set up the colors on entry 68 and 72. I like the pink to blend better.
I really think we are almost there. I really like 68,72 and 77, with a few things tweeked, I think we have it.
Hello Thank you for the other options but what I was and am looking for is entry number 68 with the same font layout as 72 (stacked, not in one line). I like the color scheme in the mannequins only in 68 and 72. The pink is still too bright and I like to see you do the mannequin color schemes like in entry 68. Thank you
Hello Crafty, Like 99 alot. Like the color in 102. Can I see the mannequins colors like the way you have it in 99, (Top) light to darker (bottom)? I like to see entry 107 mannequin in black and white only too.
hi i need a clarification.........do u want the same colors fr the mannequin light to dark gradient ? 99 is white to mauve ..if we have the same gradient fr 102 ,the bottom of the mannequin will merge with the background....... i could still post an entry so you could visualize it better.
Hello 105 and 118 can you please add Studio. This is part of my business name.
I am 99.9 percent sure I am going to pick one of the first 6 entries. What I am having problem on which one to choose. I like them all. I did note on the contest rules I can request different variations of the logo (color backgrounds, black & white, and so on) , does the first 6 entries fall into this category, if so I do not have to choice just one of the 6.
Hi Shannon! :-) ....i understand. ..You can pick any of those six as ur winner.I will provide you will all the versions that you have liked separately. And yes ,i will add the 'studio' to 105 & 108 ,it wasn't intentional. rgds amrita
hI Shannon, i posted 5 more versions 124-128. Now if you could rearrange the ranking based upon the following groups (and possibly in the same order) :
1) 127 ,99,72,126 - this is the group with the gradient mannequin and the single color stripes on it (which r actually the color of the background) . You could use the darker versions for the website ,the lighter ones for ur t-shirts .
2) 107,106,105 ,125 - this is the group with the solid mannequin and multi-colored stripes .the same principle could apply here as well .The ones with white background could work for ur t-shirts.It is always hard to print on dark fabric and it is going to cost more.
3) 118 ,124 -the classic 'zebra' group .Would do wonders for your stationery ,very easy to print .You could print it in any of the purple,mauve shades as well.
4) 101 ,128 -the most complicated group .The mannequin is graded and multicolor stripes.It might be a bit difficult to achieve consistent accuracy on these and would cost more. I hope the above classification would help you to arrive at the best choice.