I like entry135 Have two questions. Can you incorporate SJ Insted fo the plane and have they SJ as one to look like $ and can I use sevjet separate from the wings?
I was thinking about how cool is the idea of combining the two letters to make them look like $ sigh but there is a high probability to face a dispute in between me and design #27, if this designer complains about me copying his/her idea maybe I will be pushed to remove entry #155. I'll keep you updated in this matter!.
OK, we really like #155, with the SJ the way we envision it. What we are not enthused with is the font type. We are seeking a font type that is slick, and a wee bit skinnier, not too bold. Perhaps the font type in #134 or something similar to it... thank you
we like the font in #25. as for the wings, can you show us black wings, with black background on the shield with red lettering on shield, and a couple of variations. we really like this one... #1 thus far and not too much time to close. thank you
I finally uploaded the logo. After you revise it and feel happy with it please proceed to approve it in order to close the process here in LOGOTOURNAMENT.
I will be more than happy to help you out doing any retouch on your logo with no charge at all. You can easily contact me at wafecan2@hotmail.com
want to see different variations of the lettering to include all caps but thinner font type and classy, not to say we will pick this, but would like to see different fonts. and congratulations.