Sevenmile Creek Enterprises, Inc.Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Sevenmile Creek Enterprises, Inc.

Sevenmile Creek Enterprises, Inc. has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 54 designs from 8 different designers from around the world.












Prefers others.


Hmmm....I like what you've done here with the quill, as well as the book silhouette with the creek running down the spine of the book. I would almost call that briliant (!). I'm still thinking we need to see some green in it. What do you think about adding a nice rich green color to the top third of the "book"'s pages, and fading that into a very light pastel green at the bottom? Alternatively, you could maybe do some abstract sort of blades of grass on the pages of the book design. Also, I'm thinking the bird needs to have a more bird-of-prey look to it. Let's try that & hit me back with a revision. Thank you!!

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the feedback. Here are a couple variations based on your comments.
13 years ago
K, I like both of your revisions, but would like to blend elements of each into a 3rd revision. Using entry #10 as the base, let's add the ripples in the water to it from entry #11. Also, add the grass blades. Let's change the color of the quill and eagle to brown as they are in entry #11, and do the same for the mountains. I think I like the text colors and style better in #11, so let's change that in the 3rd revision also. Hit me up with that and we'll see what it looks like. Thank you!

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the continued feedback
13 years ago
K, excellent. I'm liking where we are now with the design. I think I'd like to stop here and wait for any other designers to pop in before the open portion closes. Thank you for your time so far!

13 years ago
Logo Designer
just wanted to present another option #29
13 years ago
Hmmm...what if we added some random letters, or a piece of text from classic literature, to the white page? Would that clash too much with the bird? Or another idea, something that symbolizes text, on that page? That empty white page looks to me like it needs "busied up" to me. What do you think?

13 years ago
Logo Designer
added lines to symbolize lines of text. let me know what you think. thanks
13 years ago
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