Entries #1 and #2 both look fantastic, although I like #2 due to the shading in the sun. Nice job. Let's refine #2 by changing the random letters to Q, W, E,R,T and Y. Also, can we put the letters tumbling in more of a linear fashion, as in one line of letters tumbling down, as if the word QWERTY is pouring out of the bottle? Also, what would it look like if we put Sevenmile Creek Enterprises on one line below the image instead of two? Thank you!
Hmmm...looking better. Let's give the eagle a bit more altitude. Imagining a horizontal line drawn through the center of the sun, can we move the eagle up and to the right such that his talons lie on that imaginary horizontal line? Do not actually draw a line-it's for reference only. This extra altitude will give us room to do the following: keep the QWERTY letters all black and give them a bit more spacing in between. As well, rotate each letter randomly just a bit to achieve a slightly more tumbled appearance, but still be readable. I also liked the brown text you used for the word "Enterprises" in entry #2. Could I see that applied to the word "Enterprises" in entry #3, and also applied to the complete "Sevenmile Creek Enterprises" in entry #5? Thank you!
You're quite welcome. Entries #6 and #7 look fantastic. I think I would like to hold here for now and watch for other designers to pop in. Thanks for your work so far. Looks great!
Just an update on your newest entries: In #32, the enlarged sun really isn't doing it for me. Just a preference is all. I do like the different brown shades of the bird you've used in #31 and #32. Also, I think I like the mountains in your earlier designs better. I like the darker brown areas and the details in those better than the plainer green ones in your newest entries. Let me stew on it some more and see if there's anything else I can think of to enhance the look. Thanks for continuing through this with me!